Rejoining of Radiation-Induced DNA Double-Strand Breaks in Yeast --;1 Introduction --;2 Measurement of DNA Double-Strand Breaks by the Neutral Sucrose Sedimentation Method --;3 Induction of DNA Double-Strand Breaks in Yeast Irradiated with Ionizing Radiations: Effect of Linear Energy Transfer and Oxia --;4 DNA Double-Strand Breaks as Critical Lesions for Yeast Cell Killing --;5 Rejoining of DNA Double-Strand Breaks Induced in Yeast by Sparsely Ionizing Radiation --;6 Rejoining of DNA Double-Strand Breaks Induced in Yeast by 3.5 MeV?-Particles --;7 DNA-Double-Strand Breaks Induced in Anoxic Yeast Show Different Rejoining Kinetics Compared to Oxically Induced Double-Strand Breaks --;8 Concluding Remarks --;References --;Cellular and Molecular Effects of Radon and Other Alpha Particle Emitters --;1 Inhalation of Radon Induces Lung Cancer --;2 Energy Deposition by Alpha Particles --;3 Evidence That Irreparable Lesions Are Induced by Alpha Particles --;4 Induction of DNA Double-Strand Breaks by Alpha Radiation --;5 Chromosomal Damage Induced by Alpha Radiation --;6 Mutagenicity of Alpha Radiation --;7 Characterization of Mutational Lesions Induced by Alpha Radiation --;8 Oncogenic Transformation Induced by Alpha Radiation --;9 Role of Ionizing Radiation in Oncogenic Transformation --;References --;Reassessment of Radiogenic Cancer Risk and Mutagenesis at Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation --;1 Introduction --;2 Low Dose Mutagenicity Studies --;3 The Present Basis of Radiation Protection Guidelines. --;4 Epidemiological Studies Limited to Low Doses --;5 The A-Bomb Survivor Study --;6 Results --;7 Discussion --;8 Comparison with Other Low-Dose Epidemiological Studies --;9 Conclusion --;Appendix: Lifetime Cancer Risk Projection --;References --;Chromosomal Instability Syndromes in Man --;1 Introduction --;2 Clinical Characteristics --;3 Cytogenetic Characteristics --;4 Heterozygote Detection and Prenatal Diagnosis --;5 Genetic Heterogeneity and Molecular Studies --;6 Conclusions --;References --;Chromosomal Changes in Nonneoplastic Somatic Cells of Cancer Patients: Indication of a Predisposing Chromosomal Instability? --;1 Introduction --;2 Methodological Approaches --;3 Results --;4 Conclusions --;References --;Excogitations About the Quantification of Stractural Chromosomal Aberrations --;1 Introduction --;2 Necessary Prerequisites --;3 The Ideal Situation --;4 Imprecision: The Effect of Cell Kinetics --;5 The Influence of Mitotic Delay --;6 Mitigating Problems by Cohort Analysis --;7 Concluding Comments --;References.
Applied genetic research, genetic toxicology and mutation research investigate the mutagenicity and cancerogenicity of chemicals and other agents.