I. Scheler on Philosophy --;Life and Writings --;Meaning and Method of Philosophy --;II. Man and Metaphysics --;'Man's Place in Nature' --;Spirit and Person --;Person and I --;Man the Microcosm --;III. Man's Knowledge of Man --;Critical Survey on the Notion of Sympathy --;Questions concerning the Perception of Others --;The Perception of Others --;IV. Man and Society --;Sociology --;Forms of Sociality --;The Sociology of Knowledge --;V. Man and Community --;Sympathy --;Shame --;Love --;Person-Community --;VI. Conclusion --;Attempted Synthesis --;Critical Summary --;Final Comments on Community.
My own serious study of Max Scheler began in 1958 when I pre- sented a Master's thesis to St. Louis University under the direction of Professor Vernon]. Three years later when I returned to complete my doctorate work at St. Louis University I returned also to the study of Max Scheler.