Introduction: In Dedication to Hermann Burian (1906-1974) --;The Correlation of Electrophysiological and Psychophysical Measures: VECP --;Visual Acuity and Checkerboard Potentials with Defocusing Lenses --;Influence of Stimulus Duration and Area on the Spectral Luminosity Function as Determined by Sensory and VECP Measurements. --;Local and Spatial Distribution of Photopic and Scotopic Responses in the Visual Field as Reflected in the Visually Evoked Cortical Potential (VECP). --;Grating Acuity in Two Sisters with Tapetoretinal Degeneration --;Psychophysical and VECP Examinations of Emmetropia, Myopia, Hypermetropia and Aphakia --;Localization of Visual Evoked Cortical Potentials in Homonuous Hemianopia --;Amplitude versus Frequency Characteristics of Visual Evoked Cortical Potentials to Sine Wave Modulated Light in Diseases of the Optic Nerve --;The Visually Evoked Response and Psychophysical Testing in Optic Neuritis --;On the Lack of Correlation Between ERG and EOG Alterations in Malignant Melanoma of the Choroid --;Normal EOG Values of Young Subjects --;Variations of the Directly Recorded Standing Potential of the Human Eye in Response to Changes in Illumination and to Ethanol --;The ERG and EOG During the Course of Sympathetic Ophthalmia --;Ischemic Retinopathy: Reduced Light Peak-and Dark Trough Amplitudes in Electrooculography --;The Correlation of Electrophysio-logical and Psychophysical Measures: The Electroretinogram --;Dynamic Electroretinography and Absolute Photoptometry in Short Wavelength Ultraviolet Light after Oral Administration of Sodium Fluoresceinate in Man --;The Effects of Photocoagulation on the Electroretinogram and Dark Adaptation in Diabetic Retinopathy --;Hereditary Retinal Diseases: Classification with the Full-Field Electroretinogram --;Electrophysiological and Psychophysical Studies in Congenital Retinoschisis of X-Linked Recessive Inheritance --;The Significance of the DC-ERG in Hereditary Retinal Disease --;Statistical Analysis of ERG Amplitude and Waveform Abnormalities in Macular Degeneration --;Some Characteristics of the Electroretinogram in Hereditary Retinal Pigmentary Dystrophy. 1. The Correlation of Recordability by Single Stimulus and Mode of Inheritance --;Once More: Does Unilateral Retinitis Pigmentosa Really Exist? --;Fundus Flavimaculatus: A Clinical Classification --;Fundus Flavimaculatus Associated with Polycystic Kidney Disease: Another Oculo-Renal Disorder? --;Defining Fundus Albipunctatus --;Retinitis Pigmentosa: An Improved Clinical Approach --;ERG in Sectorial Pigmentary Retinopathy --;Secondary Retinitis Pigmentosa (Syphilis) --;Retinal Degenerations, Electroretinographic Aspects in Patients with Myotonic Dystrophy --;Central and Peripheral Retinal Degeneration in a Family: A Study of the ERG and Fields --;A Case of Unilateral Retinitis Pigmentosa Sine Pigmento --;Abnormal ERG Findings in a Case with Fundus Flavimaculatus with Typical Stargardt's Macular Degeneration --;The Scotopic and Photopic Bar-Pattern ERG --;Contributions of the Central and Peripheral Retina --;The Foveal Local ERG Response to Transient and Steady State Flickering Stimuli --;Macular ERG'S Elicited by Checkerboard Pattern Stimuli --;Effects of Atropine on ERG and Optic Nerve Response in the Cat --;Relationship Between ERG and O2 Consumption in the Isolated Perfused Bovine Eye --;Changes of ERG Due to High and Low Sodium Concentration in the Perfusing Blood of the Isolated Eye --;Retinotropic Activity of?-Hydroxyhexyl-pyridone-2 in Methanol and Allylalcohol Injury --;A Chromaticity Diagram for Defects in Color Vision --;Unsedated Corneal Electroretinograms from Children --;Evaluation of Micro-electrodes Chronically Implanted on the Retina --;Retinal Action Potential of Rabbits Recorded by a Pair of Electrodes on the Sciera --;Laser Generated Patterned Stimuli for Visual Evoked Responses --;Remote Measurements of the Visually Evoked Cortical Potential by Telephone Lines --;A New Contact Lens Electrode --;Calibration of the ERG Stimulus.
XIVth ISCERG Symposium, Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 10-14 May, 1976
XIVth ISCERG Symposium, Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 10-14 May, 1976