by Anatoly Ivanovich Kiselev, Alexander Alexeevich Medvedev, Valery Alexandrovich Menshikov.
Springer Vienna
(xi, 592 pages)
Preface to the English language edition --;Preface to the Russian edition --;Introduction --;Trends in global space exploration --;Global astronautics, a general survey --;The Main Trends in Development of Astronautics in Russia --;The Ground-Based Infrastructure --;Space exploration and ecology --;Conclusion --;Bibliography --;Abbreviations --;Index --;About the authors.
The text spotlights the basic trends in space related issues before moving on to describe the possibilities of the wide use of space technologies and its numerous applications such as navigation and communication, space manufacturing, and space biotechnology.
Science (General)
by Anatoly Ivanovich Kiselev, Alexander Alexeevich Medvedev, Valery Alexandrovich Menshikov.