Question and Method --;I. The Formula of Ontology --;II. The Keyterms --;1. The philo-sophical attitude --;2. Episteme --;3. Noesis and Noeton --;4. Aletheuein and Aletheia --;III. The Physis Einai or On --;IV. The Physis Ousia --;V. Ousia and Ousiai --;VI. The Ousiology --;1. Method and Goal --;2. The Grammatical Approach, the Definitional Approach --;3. The Eidos-Hyle Approach, the Eidos-Steresis Approach --;4. The Potency-Act Approach --;5. The Causal Approach.
We wish to approach our problem with an open mind and want to hear directly from Aristotle - on the basis of the text of the prote Philosophia alone - which body of thought he might have called his 'ontology' and what its meaning might have been.