I: Digital Angiocardiography for Diagnostic Routine --;1. Results with digital angiography --;2. Digital angiography in coronary heart disease --;3. Digital coronary arteriography in the outpatient clinic --;4. Digital subtraction angiography, the new standard in pediatric cardiology? --;5. Quantitation of valvular regurgitation by digital ventricular angiocardiography --;6. Quantification of aortic regurgitation --;7. Quantitative assessment of aortic regurgitation by digital subtraction angiography --;8. Quantitation of ventricular dynamic geometry by digital angiocardiography --;9. Accuracy of digital subtraction angiocardiography for the assessment of global and regional left ventricular function at rest and during exercise --;10. Assessment of synchronism of left ventricular wall motion --;11. Assessment of left ventricular pressure --;volume relationships using an automatic computerized videodensitometric approach --;12. Computed triple orthogonal projections for optimal radiological imaging with biplane isocentric multidirectional X-ray systems --;13. Clinical applications of cine computed tomography --;14. Morphologic and densitometric analysis of coronary arteries --;15. Comparison of 35 mm cine film and digital radiographic image imaging for quantitative coronary arteriography --;16. Nonlinearity by densitometric measurements of coronary arteries --;17. Three-dimensional reconstruction and cross-section measurements of coronary arteries using ECG-correlated digital coronary arteriography --;18. Fast automatic recognition and 3D reconstruction of the coronary tree from DSA-projection pairs --;19. Concepts for coronary flow and myocardial perfusion measurements --;20. Blood flow measurements in digital cardiac angiography using 3D coronary artery reconstructions --;21. Coronary blood flow and myocardial perfusion studied by digitized coronary angiograms --;22. Comparison of time parameters derived from myocardial time-density curves in patients before and after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty --;23. Methods for calculation of coronary flow reserve by computer processing of digital angiograms --;24. Parametric encoding of coronary arteriograms for the evaluation of hyperemic reserve --;25. Digital angiographic transfer function analysis of regional myocardial perfusion: measurement system and coronary contrast transit linearity --;26. Relation between coronary flow reserve and severity of coronary obstruction, both assessed from coronary cineangiogram --;27. Coronary arteriography, stress test and coronary flow reserve measurements: comparative studies --;28. Functional and anatomic assessment of coronary artery stenoses --;29. Reconstruction of the spatial distribution of the myocardial perfusion from multiple-view arteriography --;30. A bottleneck model of imaging systems for digital angiocardiography --;Index of subjects.
According to Schopenhauer problems are usually passing through three stages: - in the first stage they are ignored or just smiled at, - in the second stage they are fought, and in the third stage they are considered to be self-evident, just taken for granted.