pt. I. Basic concepts and background --;Ch. 1. History of clinical cytogenetics --;Ch. 2. DNA, chromosomes, and cell division --;Ch. 3. Human chromosome nomenclature: an overview and definition of terms --;pt. II. Examining and analyzing chromosomes --;Ch. 4. Basic laboratory procedures --;Ch. 5. Microscopy and photomicrography --;Ch. 6. Quality control and quality assurance --;Ch. 7. Automation in the cytogenetics laboratory. pt. III. Clinical cytogenetics--;Ch. 8. Autosomal aneuploidy --;Ch. 9. Structural chromosome rearrangements --;Ch. 10. Sex chromosomes and sex chromosome abnormalities --;Ch. 11. Prenatal cytogenetics --;Ch. 12. Cytogenetics of spontaneous abortion --;Ch. 13. Cancer cytogenetics --;pt. IV. Beyond chromosomes --;Ch. 14. Fragile X: from cytogenetics to molecular genetics --;Ch. 15. Fluorescence in situ hybridization --;Ch. 16. Genomic imprinting and uniparental disomy --;Ch. 17. Genetic counseling.