Cover; Contents; Introduction: Every Kid Can Be A Fit Kid --;and a More Successful Adult; Section I: Research Studies; The Connection Between Fitness And Smartness; The Serious Threat of Obesity; Research and the Benefits of Exercise; Joint Health; Section II: Taking Action!; Kids Want to Exercise --;Let Them; Setting Up a Kid's Fitness Club in Your Area; Teamwork Between Adult and Child --;with Contracts; Being a Good Coach; Section III: Activities for Parents and Kids; Early Childhood Fitness --;a Head Start in Learning?; Lessons Using Running & Walking; Fit Activities that Are Fun. What Is the Right Pace?Reward Points; Fun Activities at Home; The Galloway Run-Walk-Run Method; Section IV: A Guidebook for Parents, Teachers, Youth Leaders; Why Exercise?; What Do You Need to Get Started; A Trip to a Good Sports Store; Setting Yourself Up for Fitness Success; The Principles of Good Running/Walking Form; Motivation and Mental Toughness; Section V: Nutrition & Fat Burning; Fueling Fit Kids (by Nancy Clark); Why Does Your Body Want to Hold onto Fat?; How to Burn More Fat --;Today; BMI Can Monitor Obesity Risk; Fat Burning Training --;For Life. Controlling the Income Side of the EquationGood Blood Sugar --;Motivation; Success Stories; Successful Programs; Troubleshooting; Side Pain; It Hurts!; No Energy Today; I feel Great One Day --;But Not the Next Day; Cramps in the Muscles; Upset Stomach or Diarrhea; How do I Start Back when I've Had Time Off?; Headache; Should I Run when I Have a Cold?; Street Safety; Dogs; Stretching & Strengthening; Your Journal --;for Planning, Evaluation, and Motivation; Troubleshooting Aches and Pains; The Clothing Thermometer; Products that Enhance Fitness.
Packed with practical and motivational information, this work helps children and their parents to incorporate exercise and healthy eating into a busy lifestyle. It also features useful hints and tips on fun activities that kids will enjoy, how to deal with aches and pains, as well as information on what exactly is considered healthy.