with 67 tables ; [proceedings of the 27. annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie, Berlin, September 12-15, 1976]
ed. by R. Wüllenweber ...
XXII, 338 Seiten : 154 Illustrationen und Diagramme ; 25 cm.
@Advances in neurosurgery, 4.; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie.; Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie
Lumbar Disc.- Differential Diagnosis of Sciatica. Analysis of 3000 Disc Operations.- "Typical Symptoms of a Protruded Lumbar Disc" in Cases of Lumbar Spinal Tumors.- Difficulties Encountered in the Differential Diagnosis of Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disc (Vertebral Metastases-Polyneuropathy).- Lumbar Disc Protrusion in Childhood and Adolescence.- Lumbar Disc Protrusion in Advanced Age.- Critical Comments on a Comparison of Two Series (1000 Patients Each) of Lumbar Disc Surgery.- A Study of the Medical and Social Problems Involved in Cases of Prolapse of an Intervertebral Disc in the Lumbar Region.- Re-Operations Performed on Patients Suffering from an Intervertebral Disc Prolapse in the Lumbar Region.- Results and Complicated Course After Surgery for Lumbar Disc Herniation.- Complications Following Operation of Herniated Lumbar Discs.- Spondylodiscitis-Lumbar Disc Removal.- The Influence of Lumbar Disc Disease on Psychiatric Symptomatology.- On the Technique of Clearing the Intervertebral Space in Cases of Protruded Lumbar Disc - A Comparison of Two Surgical Methods.- Spinal Joint Syndrome and Interbody Fusion.- A New Surgical Procedure for Lumbar Disc Herniation Causing Less Tissue Damage Through a Microsurgical Approach.- Microsurgical Operation of Herniated Lumbar Disc.- "Traumatische" Bandscheibenvorfalle?.- Adult Hydrocephalus.- Clinical and Morphological Studies on the Development of Hydrocephalus in Adults.- Dynamics of Cerebrospinal Fluid and Pathophysiology of the Hydrocephalus of the Adult.- Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Hydrocephalus.- Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus - Idiopathic Type Selection of Patients for Shunt Procedures.- Radioisotope Cisternography and Hydrocephalus..- Considerations About the Pathophysiology of the So-Called Cisterno-Ventricular Reflux. Preliminary Report.- Cerebral Blood Flow and Cerebrospinal Fluid Pressure in Patients with Communicating Hydrocephalus.- Acute Intracranial Volume Fluctuation.- Pre- and Postoperative Evaluation of Hydrocephalus Using the Infusion Test...- Long-Term Measurements of the Intraventricular Pressure in Patients with Normal-Pressure Hydrocephalus.- Diagnosis of Hydrocephalus by Computerized Tomography.- Free Communications.- Results of Conservative and Surgical Early Treatment of Cervical Spine Injuries.- Prognosis of Severe Head and Brain Injury in Childhood.- Secondary Blood Coagulation Disturbances After Severe Brain Injury.- Clinical Double-Blind-Study on the Effects of Dexamethasone on Severe Closed Head Injuries.- The Influence of Dexamethasone on the Pattern of Intracranial Pressure Distribution in Patients with Brain Tumors.- Resolution of Peritumoral Brain Edema Following Combination Therapy with Dexamethasone and Furosemide.- Effects of a Local Cryogenic Lesion on Enzyme Activities in Cat Brain.- Therapy of Experimental Brain Edema in Cats.- EEG-Monitoring During Early Phases of Neurosurgical Intensive Care. Posttraumatic Limbic Epilepsy.- Cliniconeurological and Computer-Analysed EEG Investigations of Patients in Coma Following Operation for Cerebral Trauma.- EEG-Analytical Follow-Up Study of Stroke Patients Under Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment.- Arousal-Reactions with Unconscious Patients Elicited by L-Dopa, Amantadine-HCl and Akineton.- Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SEP) in Patients with Peripheral, Spinal and Supraspinal Lesions of the Sensory System.- The Effect of Electrical Spinal Cord Stimulation on Spastic Movement Disorders.- Advanced Cytological Techniques in the Examination of Human Cerebrospinal Fluid.- Arterio-Venous Communications in the Posterior Cranial Fossa. Anatomical Study.- Microsurgical Reconstruction of Cauda Equina Fibers. Experimental Study in the Pig.- A Simple Method for Localizing the Foramen of Monroe in Plain X-Rays.- On the Possibility of Indirect Respiratory Rate Monitoring.- Simultaneous Biplane Angioautotomography for the Analysis of Intracranial Aneurysms.- Computer Assistance for Stereotactic Brain Operations.- Results of Operative Treatment of Acromegaly.- Investigation on the Prognosis of Brain Abscess.- Intracerebellar Pneumocephalus. Case Report.- Malignant Lymphomas of the Brain.- The Use of the Fogarty Catheter Method in the Treatment of Carotid-Cavernous Sinus Fistulas and Giant Basal Sack-Shaped Aneurysms.- Histological and Radiological Results of Discography with Water-Soluble and Oily Contrast Media in Rabbits.- Neurotransmitter - Shifts in Cerebro-Organic Processes.- The Diagnostic Accuracy of Imprint Cytology for Neurosurgical Biopsies.- Reconstructive Surgery of Spinal Cord Vessels. An Experimental Study.