Book cover; title; copyright; contents; preface; list of symbols; introduction; 1 dynamic diagnosis of pavement structures; 2 model of the equivalent plate on subgrade; 3 variants of the dynamic theory of the equivalent plate on subgrade; 4 dynamic interaction of plates with the subgrade for characteristic loads; 5 dynamic interaction of plate with subgrade under a moving load; 6 dynamic response of plates with free boundaries on unbounded soil base; 7 concentration of the vibration about the holes in plate on subgrade; 8 non-linear dynamic response of unbounded plate on subgrade. 9 effects of vibration-isolating barriers on the propagation of vibration in soil basesreferences; appendix 1: computer program for the plate on half-space without the shear contact; appendix 2: computer program for the linear and non-linear dynamic deflections of the plate on subgrade under pulse load; appendix 3: computer program for the dynamic deflection field around the sheet piling barrier in subgrade; subject index.
This book presents a rigorous treatment of the fundamental, mathematical behaviour of pavement structures under dynamic loading. The topic is of growing importance in economic design of aircraft runways and highway pavements.