I Pathophysiology --;1 The Metabolic Syndrome and Vascular Disease --;2 Effects of Insulin on the Vascular System --;3 Effect of Diabetes on Endothelial Function --;4 Vascular Abnormalities in the Prediabetic State --;5 Diabetes and Advanced Glycation End Products --;6 The Renin --;Angiotensin System in Diabetic Cardiovascular Complications --;7 Diabetes and Hypertension --;8 Diabetes and Dyslipidemia --;9 Diabetes and Thrombosis --;10 Diabetes and Atherosclerosis --;11 Animal Models of Diabetes and Atherosclerosis --;12 Nitric Oxide and Its Role in Diabetes Mellitus --;13 Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 and Vascular Disease in Diabetes Mellitus --;II The Heart --;14 Coronary Artery Disease in Diabetes --;15 Heart Failure in Diabetic Patients --;16 Preoperative Assessment and Perioperative Management of the Surgical Patient with Diabetes Mellitus --;III Peripheral Vascular System --;17 Epidemiology of Peripheral Vascular Disease --;18 Diabetes and Arterial Stiffness --;19 Methods for Assessing Large Vessel Pathophysiology --;20 Peripheral Vascular Disease in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus --;IV Microcirculation --;21 Diabetic Retinopathy --;22 Diabetes and Nephropathy --;23 Vascular Changes and Diabetic Neuropathy --;24 Microcirculation of the Diabetic Foot.
Epidemiological studies show that 65 per cent of patients with diabetes mellitus die from a cardiovascular disease. This book comprehensively reviews both the basic and clinical aspects of diabetic vascular disease for the practicing clinician.
Cardiovascular Diseases -- etiology.
Diabetes Complications.
Diabetic angiopathies.
edited by Michael T. Johnstone and Aristidis Veves.