f4th international workshop, PODDP '98, Saint Malo, France, March 29-30, 1998 : proceedings
Ethan V. Munson, Charles Nicholas, Derick Wood (eds.).
Berlin [etc.]
152 str. : graf. prikazi ; 24 cm.
Lecture notes in computer science, 1481.
The Fourth International Workshop on Principles of Digital Document Processing ... --> predgovor.
Document Models and Structures.- Context and Caterpillars and Structured Documents.- A Conceptual Model for Tables.- Analysis of Document Structures for Element Type Classification.- Using Document Relationships for Better Answers.- Characterization of Documents and Corpora.- Generating, Visualizing, and Evaluating High-Quality Clusters for Information Organization.- On the Specification of the Display of Documents in Multi-lingual Computing.- Spotting Topics with the Singular Value Decomposition.- A Linear Algebra Approach to Language Identification.- Accessing Collections of Documents.- Indexed Tree Matching with Complete Answer Representations.- Combining the Power of Query Languages and Search Engines for On-line Document and Information Retrieval : The QIRi@D Environment.- Intensional HTML.- Data Model for Document Transformation and Assembly.