edited by Uwe Flick, Ernst von Kardorff, and Ines Steinke ; translated by Bryan Jenner.
London ; Thousand Oaks, Calif.
Sage Publications
(xiv, 432 pages) : illustrations
Cover; Contents; Notes on Editors and Contributors; Preface; Part 1: Introduction; 1 --;What is Qualitative Research? An Introduction to the Field; Part 2: Qualitative Research in Action: Paradigmatic Research Styles; 2.1 --;Anselm Strauss; 2.2 --;Erving Goffman; 2.3 --;Harold Garfinkel and Harvey Sacks; 2.4 --;Paul Willis and the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies; 2.5 --;Paul Parin, Fritz Morgenthaler and Goldy Parin-Matthey; 2.6 --;Clifford Geertz; 2.7 --;Norman K. Denzin: Life in Transit; 2.8 --;Marie Jahoda; Part 3: The Theory of Qualitative Research.
This exciting companion provides a comprehensive overview of the latest writing on every aspect of qualitative research. Drawing on the work of leading scholars from Europe, Britain and North America, it presents a summary of every aspect of the qualitative research process.
Qualitative research.
Research -- Methodology.
Social sciences -- Methodology.
edited by Uwe Flick, Ernst von Kardorff, and Ines Steinke ; translated by Bryan Jenner.