Telecommunications technology and applications series.
1 Introduction to coherent lightwave communications --;1.1 Coherent light --;1.2 Historical aspects --;1.3 The significance of coherent lightwave communication technologies on future telecommunication networks --;2 Theory of optical coherent detection --;2.1 Optical heterodyne detection --;2.2 Optical homodyne detection --;2.3 Linewidth influence --;2.4 Receiver sensitivity comparison --;2.5 Power spectrum --;3 Coherent transmission technologies --;3.1 Optical source --;3.2 Modulators --;3.3 Fiber dispersion --;3.4 Fiber nonlinearities (Nori Shibata) --;3.5 Heterodyne receiver (Katsushi Iwashita) --;3.6 Transmission characteristics and delay equalization (Katsushi Iwashita) --;3.7 Polarization compensation (Katsushi Iwashita) --;3.8 Homodyne detection (Katsushi Iwashita) --;4 Optical filters and couplers --;4.1 Optical filters --;4.2 Mach-Zehnder interferometer waveguide-type filters (Masao Kawachi) --;4.3 Optical couplers --;5 Optical frequency division multiplexing systems --;5.1 Optical frequency stabilization and measurement --;5.2 Multichannel frequency stabilization --;5.3 Fiber nonlinear effects in optical FDM systems --;5.4 Channel selective receiver utilizing heterodyne detection (Hiromu Toba) --;5.5 Channel selective receiver utilizing optical filter and direct detection (Hiromu Toba) --;6 Optical amplifiers for coherent transmission and optical FDM --;6.1 In-line amplifier systems --;6.2 Common amplifiers --;7 Systems applications --;7.1 Long-haul trunks and submarine communications --;7.2 Optical FDM networks and switching systems --;7.3 Optical SDM and TDM networks and switching (Kiyoshi Nosu) --;8 Epilogue.
This book covers a wide range of technical issues relating to lightwave technologies using high coherence lightwaves. However, present lightwave communication systems do not fully utilize the fruitful potential oflightwaves, namely the capacity of extremely high frequency electromagnetic information carrier waves.