In Vitro Assays for Axonal Growth and Targeting --;Interface Organotypic Hippocampal Slice Cultures --;Slice Cultures for Study of Microglia --;Microexplant Cultures of the Cerebellum --;Construction and Use of Compartmented Cultures for Studies of Cell Biology of Neurons --;Chick Spinal Somatic Motoneurons in Culture --;Primary Cultures of Sympathetic Ganglia --;Primary Cell Cultures for the Study of Myelination --;Preparation of Astrocyte, Oligodendrocyte, and Microglia Cultures from Primary Rat Cerebral Cultures --;Culture of Glial Cells from Human Brain Biopsies --;Cultures of Astroglia and Microglia from Primary Cultures of Mouse Neopallium --;Cultures of Oligodendroblasts from Primary Cultures of Rat Neopallium --;Olfactory Ensheathing Cell Cultures --;Cultures of Stem Cells of the Central Nervous System --;Aggregating Neural Cell Cultures --;Neural Cell Lines --;Virus Vectors for Gene Therapy of the Nervous System --;Preparation of Substrata for In Vitro Culture of Neurons --;Serum-Free Media for Neural Cell Cultures --;Development of Multiple-Well Plate Biological Assays --;Neural Cell Counting --;Assay for Neuronal Cell Migration --;Colony Cultures --;Hybridoma Cultures for Production of Antibodies --;Elimination of Cell Types from Mixed Neural Cell Cultures --;Quantification of Cells in Culture --;Tips for Tissue Culture.
In Protocols for Neural Cell Culture, Third Ed., Sergey Fedoroff and Arleen Richardson extensively revise, update, and expand their best-selling and highly praised collection of readily reproducible neural tissue culture protocols. This 3rd edition adds 11 chapters describing important new procedures for the isolation, growth, and characterization of neural stem cells and for the manipulation of glial progenitor cells, as well as essential procedures for hippocampal and microglial slice cultures and transfection of neurons in culture with adenovirus. It includes key techniques for the preparat.
Nerve tissue -- Cultures and culture media -- Laboratory manuals.