edited by François Baccelli, Alain Jean-Marie, Isi Mitrani.
Berlin, Heidelberg
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
ESPRIT basic research series.
I Formalisms --;Stochastic Process Algebras --;Stochastic Process Algebra for Discrete Event Simulation --;GSPN and SPA Compared in Practice --;Functional and Performance Analysis of Cooperating Sequential Processes --;II Techniques --;Analysis of Parallel Processing Systems via the (max, +) Algebra --;TIPP and the Spectral Expansion Method --;G-Networks: A Survey of Results, a Solver and an Application --;Polling Models with Threshold Switching --;Two-Dimensional Nearest-Neighbour Queueing Models --;M/G/1 Queues with FCFS Negative Arrivals --;Operational Analysis of Timed Petri Nets and Application to the Computation of Performance Bounds --;Approximate Throughput Computation of Stochastic Marked Graphs --;III Applications --;Allocation of Customer Types to Servers: Clustering is Optimal --;Majorization and Stochastic Comparison Techniques for Scheduling of Parallel Systems --;Dependability of Distributed Programs: Algorithms and Performance --;A Fixed-Point Model of a Distributed Memory Consistency Protocol --;Routing Among Different Nodes Where Servers Break Down Without Losing Jobs --;Modeling Symmetric Computer Architectures by SWNs --;Arrival Theorems for Product-Form Stochastic Petri Nets.
It is widely recognized that the complexity of parallel and distributed systems is such that proper tools must be employed during their design stage in order to achieve the quantitative goals for which they are intended.
Computer science.
Electronic data processing.
edited by François Baccelli, Alain Jean-Marie, Isi Mitrani.