1. Reflections on Narcissism in Boston --;2. Introduction of Dr. Heinz Kohut --;3. Greetings --;4. Psychoanalytic Inquiry and New Knowledge --;5. Prologue --;6. Infancy Research: A Contribution to Self Psychology --;7. The Early Development of Schemas of Self, Other, and "Self with Other" --;8. To Begin with-Reflections on Ontogeny --;9. Discussion of Papers by Drs. Sander and Stern --;10. Discussion of Papers by Drs. Stern and Sander --;11. Self Psychology: Clinical Considerations --;12. An Idealizing Transference of the Oedipal Phase --;13. The Oedipal Complex and Self Psychology: Discussion of Paper by Dr. Ornstein --;14. An Application of the Self Psychological Viewpoint to Psychoanalytic Technique --;15. Discussion of Paper by Dr. Lichtenberg --;16. Discussion of Papers by Drs. Lichtenberg and Ornstein Ernest S. Wolf. M.D. --;17. Self Psychology: Relevance to Psychotherapy --;18. The Significance of Self Psychology for a Theory of Psychotherapy --;19. Discussion of Paper by Dr. Basch --;20. Confrontation and Selfobject Transference: A Case Study --;21. Discussion of Paper by Dr. London --;22. Closing Comment; V. Self Psychology: Implications for Psychoanalytic Theory --;23. Prologue --;24. Self Psychology-A Structural Psychology --;25. Self Psychology and Alternative Perspectives on Internalization --;26. Self Psychology and "Classical" Psychoanalytic Psychology-The Nature of Their Relationship: A Review and Overview --;27. Discussion of Papers by Drs. Goldberg, Stolorow, and Wallerstein --;28. Selected Problems of Self Psychological Theory.
Psychoanalysis -- Congresses.
Self in infants -- Congresses.
Self psychology -- Congresses.
edited by Joseph D. Lichtenberg and Samuel Kaplan.