Mike Olson, lead developer & writer; Jeremy Keller and Adam Jury, editing and layout; Brian Clevinger, Brian Engard and Morgan Ellis, additional material; Brian Clevinger, Scott Wegener, and Lee Black Atomic Robo Comic Creation; Scott Wegener, art.
Based on the fate core system by Leonard Balsera, Ryan Macklin, Brian Engard, Mike Olson, Fred Hicks, and Rob Donoghue.
Chapter 1: Robo's world --;Chapter 2: The basics --;Chapter 3: Making characters --;Chapter 4: Aspects and fate points --;Chapter 5: Modes, skills and stunts --;Chapter 6: Outcomes and actions --;Chapter 7: Challengers, contests, and conflicts --;Chapter 8: Let's do some science --;Chapter 9: Running the game --;Chapter 10: Telling stories the atomic Robo way --;Chapter 11: Across the fourth dimension --;Chapter 12: Tesladyne industries --;Chapter 13: The march of progress --;Chapter 14: Timeline --;Chapter 15: Character writeups.
Are you ready for some two-fisted science adventure? Then it's time for the Atomic Robo RPG! Have you ever wanted to face down global conspiracy as an immortal atomic robot or Carl Sagan? The Atomic Robo RPG makes it possible. This book brings you the most explosive Fate Core system experience yet.
Atomic Robo (Game).
Role playing -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Role playing -- Rules.
Mike Olson, lead developer & writer; Jeremy Keller and Adam Jury, editing and layout; Brian Clevinger, Brian Engard and Morgan Ellis, additional material; Brian Clevinger, Scott Wegener, and Lee Black Atomic Robo Comic Creation; Scott Wegener, art.