A. Superficial perivascular dermatitis --;b. Superficial and deep perivascular --;c. Vasculitis --;d. Nodular and diffuse dermatitis --;e. Bullous and vesicular dermatitis --;f. Panniculitis --;g. Sclerosing dermatitis --;h. Folliculitis.
This guide to dermatopathology is a general overview helping readers review the histopathology of dermatological conditions. The book discusses superficial perivascular, interface, spongiotic, and psoriasis form dermatitis. It also examines lymphohistiocytic infiltrate, leukocytoclastic vasculitis, panniculitis, and folliculitis. Additional chapters cover nodular and diffuse dermatitis and bullous and vesicular dermatitis. The book describes the dermatopathology hierarchy infrastructure and provides a glossary of terms. Established practitioners as well as trainees will find this an ideal r.