Differential Diagnosis in Pediatric Echocardiography
by Jean Paul Lintermans, Willem Gerrit Dorp.
Berlin, Heidelberg
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Qualitative Anatomy --;Abnormal Location of Cardiac Segments --;1 Abnormal Location of the Atria --;2 Abnormal Location of the Ventricles --;3 Abnormal Location of the Great Arteries --;Absence of Normally Present Structures --;4 Discontinuity in Cardiac Structures --;5 Simultaneous Visualization of Two AV Valves Without IVS --;6 AV Valve Crossing the Interventricular Septum --;7 Visualization of a Single AV Valve --;Presence of Normally Absent Structures --;8 Echo-Free Spaces --;9 Unusual, Abnormal Echoes --;Quantitative Anatomy --;Abnormal Valve Motion --;10 Abnormal Pulmonary Valve Motion --;11 Abnormal Aortic Valve Motion --;12 Abnormal Tricuspid Valve Motion --;13 Abnormal Mitral Valve Motion --;Abnormal Dimensions and Wall Motion or Thickness --;14 Abnormal Right Atrial Size --;15 Abnormal Left Atrial Size and Wall Motion --;16 Abnormal Right Ventricular Size and Wall Thickness --;17 Abnormal Left Ventricular Size and Wall Motion --;18 Abnormal Dimension of the Pulmonary Artery --;19 Abnormal Dimension of the Aorta --;20 Asymmetric Septal Hypertrophy --;21 Abnormal Septal Motion --;Function --;Contrast Echocardiography --;22 Abnormal Contrast Pathways --;Functional Parameters --;23 Systolic Time Intervals --;24 Left Ventricular Performance --;Normal Echocardiographic Values --;References.
He was the most productive individual in the history of our training program, publishing seven papers in those three years, four clinical papers and three involving pulsed ultrasonic flowmeters and implanted ultrasonic displacement devices in animals.