1. Drug resistance: The clinical problem --;2. Mathematical models of drug resistance and chemotherapy effects --;3. Multidrug resistance in human tumors --;4. Structure and function of P --;glycoprotein --;5. Anthracycline resistance --;6. Circumvention of drug resistance with calcium channel blockers and monoclonal antibodies --;7. P --;glycoprotein in breast cancer --;8. Phosphoprotein, protein kinase C, and second-messenger system changes in human multidrug-resistant cancer cells --;9. Alkylating agent resistance --;10. Mechanisms of resistance to cisplatin and alkylating agents --;11. Glutathione S --;transferase and drug resistance --;12. Tumor cell drug and radiation resistance: Does an interrelationship exist?
It is an attempt to establish a critical mass of oncology literature covering virtually all oncology topics, revised frequently to keep the coverage up to date, easily available on a single library shelf or by a single personal subscription.