1 Base oils from petroleum --;1.1 Introduction --;1.2 Base oil composition --;1.3 Products and specifications --;1.4 Conventional base oil manufacturing methods --;1.5 Modern catalytic processes --;1.6 Future developments --;References --;2 Synthetic base fluids --;2.1 Introduction --;2.2 Polyalphaolefins --;2.3 Alkylated aromatics --;2.4 Polybutenes --;2.5 Synthetic esters --;2.6 Polyalkylene glycols --;2.7 Phosphate esters --;References --;3 Detergents/dispersants --;3.1 Introduction --;3.2 Detergents --;3.3 Dispersants --;3.4 Other lubricants --;3.5 Performance evaluation --;References --;Further reading --;4 Oxidative degradation and stabilisation of mineral oil based lubricants --;4.1 Introduction --;4.2 Autoxidation of hydrocarbons --;4.3 Oxidation stability of base oils --;4.4 Inhibition of oxidative degradation of lubricants --;4.5 Application of antioxidants --;4.6 Future antioxidant technology --;Acknowledgements --;References --;5 Viscosity index improvers and thickeners --;5.1 Introduction --;5.2 Overview of VI improver chemistry --;5.3 Chemistry and manufacture of commercial VI improvers --;5.4 Function and properties --;5.5 Performance --;5.6 Prognosis for future developments --;References --;6 Miscellaneous additives --;6.1 Friction modifiers --;6.2 Pour point depressants --;6.3 Demulsifiers and antifoams --;6.4 Corrosion inhibitors --;Reference --;7 The formulation of automotive lubricants --;7.1 Introduction --;7.2 What type of lubricant is wanted? --;7.3 Why there are so many types oflubricant --;7.4 Multifunctional lubricants --;7.5 Definition oflubricant performance --;7.6 Lubricant formulation --;the physical phase --;8 Industrial lubricants --;8.1 Introduction --;8.2 Bearing lubricants --;8.3 Compressor lubricants --;8.4 Hydraulic lubricants (fluids) --;8.5 Industrial gear lubricants --;8.6 Turbine lubricants --;8.7 Metalworking lubricants --;8.8 Specialities --;References --;9 Aviation lubricants --;9.1 Introduction --;9.2 Lubrication of rotary engines --;9.3 Lubrication of conventional aircraft piston engines --;9.4 Lubrication of aircraft turbine engines --;9.5 Aircraft hydraulic fluids --;9.6 Helicopter gearboxes --;9.7 Undercarriage lubrication --;9.8 Airframe lubrication --;9.9 Safety aspects of aircraft lubrication --;9.10 Space lubrication --;References --;10 Marine lubricants --;10.1 Introduction --;10.2 Marine diesel engines --;10.3 Fuel oil --;10.4 Base oils --;10.5 Additives --;10.6 Properties and formulation of marine lubricants --;10.7 System oils --;10.8 Cylinder oils --;10.9 Trunk piston engine oils --;10.10 Used oil analysis --;References --;11 Lubricating grease --;11.1 Introduction --;11.2 Structure and properties --;11.3 Chemistry --;11.4 Applications --;11.5 Future developments --;11.6 Conclusions --;References --;12 Extreme-pressure and anti-wear additives --;12.1 Introduction --;12.2 Anti-wear additives --;12.3 Extreme-pressure additives --;12.4 Mechanisms of action of anti-wear and EP additives --;12.5 Application of different classes of additive --;12.6 Future developments --;References --;13 Lubricants and their environmental impact --;13.1 Introduction --;13.2 Collection of waste lubricant --;13.3 Treatment of collected lubricant --;13.4 Re-refined base oil quality --;13.5 Health and safety aspects of re-refined oil --;13.6 Environmental considerations of waste lubricant --;13.7 Environmental impact of 'consumed' lubricant --;13.8 Biodegradation tests for oils --;13.9 Future trends --;References --;Further reading.
It is written by chemists who are authorities in the various specialisations within the lubricating industry, and is intended to be of interest to chemists who may already be working in the lubricating industry or in academia, and who are seeking a chemist's view of lubrication.