edited by David E. Boyce, Peter Nijkamp, Daniel Shefer.
Berlin, Heidelberg
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
(viii, 505 pages 61 illustrations)
A Preface to Regional Science --;1. A Preface to Regional Science --;A. Spatial Patterns of Households and Firms --;2. The Ten Commandments of Migration Research --;3. Major Issues in Regional Labour Market Analysis --;4. Endogenous Spatial Externalities in Residential Location Theory --;5. The Effect of Transaction Costs in the Housing Market --;6. Transportation, Spatial Interaction, Telecommunication and Information Systems: A Research Agenda --;7. Urban Land Use and the Location of Polluting Plants --;B. Spatial Impacts of New Technology --;8. High Technology Industries --;A Panacea for Peripheral Regions? The Evidence from Israel --;9. The Impact of New Information Technologies on Spatial Inequalities --;10. Technological Change, Uncertainty and Innovation Networks: Towards a Dynamic Theory of Economic Space --;11. Technical Change and Regional Development: Some Further Developments with the Sequential Interindustry Model --;C Economic Restructuring and Spatial Dynamics --;12. The Evolution of Regional Economies: Sectoral Restructuring and Regional Development over the Long Term --;13. The European Internal Market and the Internationalisation of Small and Medium Size Enterprises --;14. Soudy 3: A Supply-Oriented Urban Dynamics Model with Innovation and Synergy Effects --;15. Interregional Migration: Dynamic Theory and Comparative Analysis --;D. Advances In Regional Science Methods --;16. Quantitative Methods in Regional Science: Perspectives on Research Directions --;17. A Multiregional Input-Output Model for Israel and Extensions: Methodology and Experience --;18. Ex Post Measurement of Effects of Environmental Policy by Means of Linear Structural Equation Models --;19. Regional Medicometry: Health Expenditures, Regional Disparities, Problems and Policies --;20. On the Significance of Economic and Non-Economic Components of Regional Development --;List of Contributors.
Regional science, as an integrating discipline for many scientific analyses concerning the element of space, has a remarkable record of achievements in both breadth and depth.
Regional economics.
edited by David E. Boyce, Peter Nijkamp, Daniel Shefer.