1. Cytologic Techniques --;1.1. Cerebrospinal Fluid Cell Preparation --;1.2. Staining Methods --;2. The Cells of Normal Cerebrospinal Fluid --;2.1. Lymphocytes and Monocytes --;2.2. Ependymal and Choroidal Cells --;2.3. Accidental Findings --;2.4. Spindle-shaped Cells --;3. Cells of the Mononuclear Phagocytic System --;3.1. Development of Macrophages --;3.2. Phagocytosis --;3.3. Cellular Reaction of Bloody Cerebrospinal Fluid --;4. Eosinophilic Granulocytes --;5. Plasma Cells --;6. Bacterial Meningitis --;6.1. Acute Exudation Phase --;6.2. Proliferative Phase of Infection and Repair Phase --;7. Lymphocytic Meningitis and Meningoencephalitis --;8. Tuberculous Meningoencephalitis --;9. Cerebral and Spinal Syphilis --;10. Meningoencephalitis in Behçet's Disease --;11. Giant Cells --;12. Tumor Giant Cells --;13. Tumor Cells --;13.1. Primary Tumors of the CNS --;13.2. Metastases in the CNS --;13.3. Leukemias --;References.
The demand for an atlas of CSF cytology has made a second edition necessary very soon. The number of those who have learned to appreciate the value of this simple diagnostic procedure has apparently increased. Optimal methods of cell preparation, lim ited technical requirements and immediate availabil ity of the results have all contributed to this develop ment. In the current edition, primary emphasis has again been placed on selection of informative illustrations and on quality of reproduction. Some figures have been replaced, and some added. The text has been expanded and improved where.