I. Cytoprotection for the Clinician --;1 Cytoprotection: Historical Perspective --;2 Acid Hypersecretion: Important Factor or Innocent Bystander? --;3 Pathomorphology of Gastric Mucosal Injury --;II Defensive Mechanisms of the Stomach --;4 Mechanisms of Mucosal Protection --;5 Mucus Secretion --;6 Bicarbonate Secretion and the Alkaline Microclimate --;7 Epithelial Cell Renewal --;8 Gastric Blood Flow and Mucosal Defense --;III. Cytoprotective Therapy --;9 Cytoprotective Therapy: Prostaglandins --;10 The Role of Nutrient Essential Fatty Acids in Gastric Mucosal Protection --;11 Gastroprotection by Nonprostaglandin Substances.
This phenomenal gradient as well as the demonstrated ability of gastric juice to digest tissues has motivated clinicians and investigators alike to emphasize acid secretion and acid ablation in studying the pathogenesis and therapy of peptic ulcer disease.