Section 1 Neonatal Endocrinology --;1 The effects of maternal endocrine disease on the fetus and neonate --;2 Normal and abnormal pancreatic endocrine function in the fetus and neonate --;Section 2 The Thyroid Gland --;3 Congenital hypothyroidism: pathogenesis, screening and prognosis --;4 Clinical aspects of acquired thyroid disease in childhood --;Section 3 Disorders of Sexual Development --;5 Pathogenesis and investigation of ambiguous genitalia --;6 Medical and psychological management of congenital adrenal hyperplasia --;7 Surgical management of intersex in childhood --;8 The Teale Lecture 1983 Fetal growth: the role of insulin and related peptides --;Section 4 Normal and Abnormal Growth --;9 Normal growth in infancy, childhood and adolescence --;10 Investigation and management of abnormal growth --;Section 5 Normal and Abnormal Puberty --;11 Endocrine aspects of normal pubertal development --;12 The effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy for malignant disease on growth and sexual development --;Section 6 Miscellaneous Disorders --;13 Some aspects of the genetics of paediatric endocrinology --;14 HLA-DR expression on endocrine cells: a new way to look at autoimmunity --;15 Controversies in diabetes mellitus --;16 Practical management of disorders of calcium homeostasis.
This book is made up of 16 papers delivered during the Paediatric Conference convened by the Royal College of Physicians of London on 20th and 21st October 1983. Forsyth MD FRCP Institute of Child Health Department of Child Health University of Birmingham University of Dundee Birmingham Dundee x LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Dr D.