A child psychiatrist's point of view --;A child psychiatrist's point of view --;A radiologist's point of view --;A radiologist's point of view --;I. Methods and cerebral development --;1. Cerebral development and neurophysiologics investigations --;2. Methods: principles, anatomical and physiological bases PET and SPECT --;3. Anatomical and physiological bases of the main electroencephalographic rhythms --;4. Frontocentral electrical brain activity in normal boys: impact of EOG correction on retest stability, topography and condition effects of slow negative cortical potentials --;5. Cerebral development and MRI --;6. The ontogeny of cerebral metabolism --;7. The ontogeny of the EEG during infancy and childhood: implications for cognitive development --;8. Auditory evoked potentials (N1 wave) as indices of cortical development --;II. Neurophysiological investigations and pathophysiology --;1. Structural neuroimaging in Gilles de 1a Tourette's syndrome --;2. SPECT studies in Tourette's syndrome --;3. Electrical brain activity and motor control in Tourette's syndrome and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder --;4. SPECT in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Implications for the understanding of awareness --;5. Neuroanatomical and neurophysiological clues to the nature of autism --;6. Functional brain imaging studies in childhood autism --;7. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy and its application to autism and brain development --;8. EEG investigations in autistic children --;9. Neuroimaging in eating disorders in youth --;III. Neurophysiological investigations and treatment --;1. The influence of neuropeptides and methylphenidate on evoked potentials in autistic and hyperkinetic children --;2. Electrophysiological correlates of vitamin B6 and magnesium treatment in autism --;3. Multivariate descriptive statistical methods: an aid to bioclinical studies in populations of developmentally disordered children --;Perspectives --;Colour illustrations appendix.
The twentieth century was the century of the development of morphological cerebral imaging by tomodensitometry (TDM) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).