Advances in Neurotraumatology, Published under the Auspices of the Neurotraumatology Committee of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies, 3.
Biomechanics of Brain Injuries --;Basic Injury Mechanics --;Specific Brain Injury Mechanisms --;Primary Injuries --;Aspects of Injury Reduction --;References --;Cerebral Hemispheric Contusions and Lacerations --;Contusions --;Lacerations --;Late Lesionai Effects of Brain Lacerations --;Summary --;References --;Diffuse Brain Injury and Brainstem Dysfunction --;Experimental Confirmation of Diffuse Brain Injury --;Types of Diffuse Brain Injury --;Clinical Aspects of Diffuse Brain Injury --;Diagnostic Criteria --;Primary Brainstem Injury --;References --;Cerebral Contusions and Lacerations. A Clinical Study --;Symptomatology --;Clinical Synthesis --;References --;Traumatic Brain Swelling and Brain Edema --;Diagnosis and Pathogenesis --;Frequency and Temporal Development --;Intracranial Pressure --;Management --;Outcome --;References --;Posttraumatic Intracerebral Hematomas --;Definition --;Incidence --;Etiology and Pathogenetic Mechanism --;Biomechanics --;Location --;Clinical Manifestations --;Localizing Signs --;Differential Diagnosis --;Intracerebral Hematomas Concerning Their Appearance in Time --;Intracerebral Bleeding in Children --;Paraclinical Investigations --;Treatment --;How to Do It --;References --;Posttraumatic Cerebellar Contusions and Hematomas --;Cerebellar Contusions --;Posterior Fossa Hematomas --;Depressed Fractures --;How to Do It --;References --;Early Dynamic Evolution of Cerebral Contusions and Lacerations. Clinical and Radiological Findings --;Definition --;Radiological Findings --;Correlation of Clinical Manifestation and CT-findings --;Enlargement of Contusions on Repeat Scan --;Dynamics of Cerebral Contusions --;Intracerebral Hematoma --;Treatment --;Prognosis --;Summary --;References --;Evoked Potentials in Head Injury --;Anatomical and Neurophysiological Considerations --;Somatosensory Evoked Potentials --;Visual Evoked Response --;Auditory Evoked Responses --;Prognostic Value of Evoked Potentials in Severe Head Injury --;Auditory Evoked Responses in Non-severe Head Injury --;Brain Death --;Reliability of Evoked Potentials --;How to Do It --;References.
The book series Advances in Neurotraumatology, edited by the Neurotraumatology Committee of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies, described in the preceding Volume I the traumatic extracerebral collections and in Volume II the cervico-spinal injuries. Volume III deals in depth with the biomechanical, neuropathological and clinical pictures of traumatic lesions of the brain tissue itself, the most frequent consequences of severe head injuries. Experts in the field discuss the new results of their own clinical investigations, neuroimaging and electrophysiology on the interpretation of diffuse and focal dynamic development of supra- and infratentorial cerebral contusions, lacerations and hematomas. Above all they consider the important consequences of these aspects for individual treatment and prognosis. For practical purposes the detailed discussions of each clinical chapter are summarized in instructions for the daily practice.