edited by Chris Laffra, Edwin H. Blake, Vicki Mey, Xavier Pintado.
Berlin, Heidelberg
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
(viii, 296 pages 104 illustrations, 2 illustrations in color.)
Focus on Computer Graphics, Tutorials and Perspectives in Computer Graphics.
Report on the Second Eurographics Workshop on Object-Oriented Graphics --;Report on the Third Eurographics Workshop on Object-Oriented Graphics --;Volume I --;The Second Eurographics Workshop on Object-Oriented Graphics --;I Modeling I --;1 Actor-Based Simulation + Linda = Virtual Environments --;2 Meta-attributes for Graphics Collection Classes --;II Constraints I --;3 A Co-operative Graphical Editor Based on Dynamically Constrained Objects --;4 A Quantum Approach to Geometric Constraint Satisfaction --;5 A Graphics Object-Oriented Constraint Solver --;6 ALIEN: A Prototype-Based Constraint System --;III User Interfaces I --;7 Extending an Advanced Logic Programming Environment by an Object-Oriented User Interface Management System --;8 An Object-Oriented Architecture for Direct Manipulation Based Interactive Graphic Applications: The MAGOO Architecture --;9 Architecture and Use of D2M2, the Delft Direct Manipulation Manager --;IV Rendering --;10 An Object-Oriented Testbed for Global?lumination --;Volume II --;The Third Eurographics Workshop on Object-Oriented Graphics --;V Modeling II --;11 Sharing Between Graphical Objects Using Delegation --;12 Acting on Inheritance Hierarchies --;13 The PREMO Framework: Object-Oriented Issues --;VI Constraints II --;14 An Object-Oriented Architecture for Constraint-Based Graphical Editing --;15 Graphics Object-Oriented Platform for Euclidean Geometry Computations --;VII User Interfaces II --;16 The Application Exposure: Bridging the User Interface and the Application --;VIII Experiences --;17 An Interactive 3D Graphics Class Library in EIFFEL --;Authors' Addresses.
The topics covered include object-oriented constraint programming, object-oriented modeling of graphics applications to handle complexity, object-oriented techniques for developing user interfaces, and 3D modeling and rendering.
Computer graphics.
Computer science.
Computer simulation.
edited by Chris Laffra, Edwin H. Blake, Vicki Mey, Xavier Pintado.