Proceedings of the First International Congress on Ankle Arthroplasty, held in Copenhagen, June 20-21, 1997.
From the contents: The Basics of Ankle Arthroplasty --;Kinematics --;Current Results --;Arthritis (Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis) --;Replacement --;Prosthesis (S.T.A.R. and RAMSES) --;Laboratory Investigations --;Ankle Joint Complex --;Gait Analysis --;Stabilometry --;Cemented and Uncemented Techniques --;Experiences --;Arthrodesis --;Miscellanous about Ankles --;Complications --;Scoring Systems --;Radiographic Mobility.
Since the 1980s, ankle arthroplasty has been considered a dubious treatment for painful and degenerated joints. (ii) the basics of replacing the ankle joint; A better understanding of the ankle kinematics, alignment techniques and biological stabilisation and the results of newer designs have changed the former attitude worldwide.