Computer analysis of images and patterns 8th international conference ; proceedings
CAIP '99, Ljubliana, Slovenia, September 1-3, 1999. Franc Solina ; Aleš Leonardis (ed.)
Berlin Heidelberg New York Barcelona Hong Kong London Milan Paris Singapore Tokyo Springer
XIV, 650 Seiten Illustrationen, Diagramme 24 cm
Lecture notes in computer science, 1689
Color.- Spectro-Spatial Gradients for Color-Based Object Recognition and Indexing.- MCEBC - A Blob Coloring Algorithm for Content-Based Image Retrieval System.- EigenHistograms: Using Low Dimensional Models of Color Distribution for Real Time Object Recognition.- Image Processing.- A Novel Approach to the 2D Analytic Signal.- Shift Detection by Restoration.- Edge Preserving Probabilistic Smoothing Algorithm.- Image Databases.- Evaluating the Complexity of Databases for Person Identification and Verification.- Effcient Shape Retrieval by Parts.- Curvature Scale Space for Shape Similarity Retrieval under Affine Transforms.- Image Compression and Watermarking.- FORI-CSDR - A New Approach for Context Sensitive Image Data Reduction.- Image Compression by Approximated 2D Karhunen Loeve Transform.- A New Watermarking Method Using High Frequency Components to Guide the Insertion Process in the Spatial Domain.- Invited Lecture.- Adventurous Tourism for Couch Potatoes.- Poster Session I.- Linear vs. Quadratic Optimization Algorithms for Bias Correction of Left Ventricle Chamber Boundaries in Low Contrast Projection Ventriculograms Produced from Xray Cardiac Catheterization Procedure.- Registration and Composition of Stacks of Serial Optical Slices Captured by a Confocal Microscope.- Tracking Articulators in X-ray Movies of the Vocal Tract.- Modeling Morphological Changes During Contraction of Muscle Fibres by Active Contours.- Fuzzy Similarity Relations for Chromosome Classification and Identification.- Enhanced Neural Networks and Medical Imaging.- Learning Behavior Using Mult iresolution Recurrent Neural Network.- Automatic Classification System of Marble Slabs in Production Line According to Texture and Color Using Artificial Neural Networks.- Polygonal Approximation Using Genetic Algorithms.- Computation of Symmetry Measures for Polygonal Shapes.- An Interpolative Scheme for Fractal Image Compression in the Wavelet Domain.- On Convergence of Discrete and Selective Fractal Operators.- Optimized Fast Algorithms for the Quaternionic Fourier Transform.- Image Block Coding Based on New Algorithms of Short-Length DCT with Minimal Multiplicative Complexity.- Object Recognition with Representations Based on Sparsified Gabor Wavelets Used as Local Line Detectors.- Effective Implementation of Linear Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition and Verification.- A Scale-Space Approach to Face Recognition from Profiles.- Pattern Recognition Combining De-noising and Linear Discriminant Analysis within a Real World Application.- Invariant Reference Points Methodology and Applications.- A New Framework of Invariant Fitting.- 3D Reconstruction of Volume Defects from Few X-Ray Images.- Geodesic Path Based Interpolation Using Level Sets Propagation.- Free-Form Surface Description in Multiple Scales: Extension to Incomplete Surfaces.- Complex Analysis for Reconstruction from Controlled Motion.- Estimating Consistent Motion from Three Views: An Alternative to Trifocal Analysis.- Using Rigid Constraints to Analyse Motion Parameters from Two Sets of 3D Corresponding Point Pattern.- An Automatic Registration Algorithm for Two Overlapping Range Images.- On Registering Front- and Backviews of Rotationally Symmetric Objects.- Registration of Range Images Based on Segmented Data.- Automatic Grid Fitting for Genetic Spot Array Images Containing Guide Spots.- Matching for Shape Defect Detection.- A Vision Driven Automatic Assembly Unit.- Scene Reconstruction from Images.- NIIRS and Objective Image Quality Measures.- Pyramidal Seeded Region Growing Algorithm and Its Use in Image Segmentation.- Multi-image Region Growing for Integrating Disparity Maps.- Contrast Enhancement of Gray Scale Images Based on the Random Walk Model.- Skeletonization on Projection Pictures.- Computing the Intrinsic Camera Parameters Using Pascal's Theorem.- Calibration Update Technique for a Zoom Lens.- Which Slightly Different View Is the Right One?.- Convex Layers: A New Tool for Recognition of Projectively Deformed Point Sets.- Measurement of Ski-Jump Distances by the Use of Fuzzy Pattern Comparator.- 2D Motion Analysis by Fuzzy Pattern Comparator.- Image Retrieval System Based on Machine Learning and Using Color Features.- Face Parts Extraction Windows Based on Bilateral Symmetry of Gradient Direction.- Modelling Needle-Map Consistency with Novel Constraints.- Improved Orientation Estimation for Texture Planes Using Multiple Vanishing Points.- Relating Scene Depth to Image Ratios.- A Modular Vision Guided System for Tracking 3D Objects in Real-Time.- Real-Time Optical Edge and Corner Tracking at Subpixel Accuracy.- Panoramic Images.- Three-Dimensional Scene Navigation through Anaglyphic Panorama Visualization.- Zero Phase Representation of Panoramic Images for Image Based Localization.- Panoramic Eigenimages for Spatial Localisation.- Grouping.- Feature Grouping Based on Graphs and Neural Networks.- Frame-Relative Critical Point Sets in Image Analysis.- A Fast Raffic Sign Recognition Algorithm for Gray Value Images.- Image Rendering.- A Geometric Approach to Light field Calibration.- Coding of Dynamic Texture on 3D Scenes.- Image Stitching - Comparisons and New Techniques.- Procrustes Alignment with the EM Algorithm.- Structural Constraints for Pose Clustering.- Subpixel Stereo Matching by Robust Estimation of Local Distortion Using Gabor Filters.
CAIP '99, Ljubliana, Slovenia, September 1-3, 1999. Franc Solina ; Aleš Leonardis (ed.)