xi, 436 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 24 cm
New basics --;Breakfasts and brunches --;Starters and light meals --;Salads: sides and main dishes --;Soups: starters and main dishes --;Beef, pork, and lamb --;Poultry --;Fish and shellfish --;Vegetarian main dishes --;Vegetable sides --;Grain and bean sides --;Slow-cooker classics --;Pizzas, calzones, and sandwiches --;Yeast breads, quick breads, and muffins --;Cakes, pies, and more --;Fruit and frozen desserts, puddings, and sauces.
This completely revised edition reflects the most up-to-date program information from Weight Watchers. Includes more than 500 recipes, from essential basics like homemade sauces and salad dressings, to hearty breakfasts, light lunches, and frozen desserts.