Preface. 1. History of Renal Transplantation. 2. Ethical Considerations. 3. Legal Aspects of Renal Transplantation. 4. Assessment of the Patient before Renal Transplantation. 5. Preparation for Transplantation 1. 6. Preparation for Transplantation 2. 7. Preparation for Transplantation 3. 8. Renal Osteodystrophy. 9. Tissue Typing. 10. The Cadaveric Donor. 11. Retrieval and Preservation of the Kidney. 12. The Living Donor. 13. Insertion of the Kidney. 14. Management of the Recipient During Operation. 15. Immunosuppression. 16. Nursing Care of the Patient with a Renal Transplant. 17. Graft Dysfunction and its Differential Diagnosis. 18. The Pathology of Renal Transplantation. 19. Surgical Complications of Renal Transplantation. 20. Early Medical Complications after Renal Transplantation. 21. Radiological and Isotope Investigations after Transplantation. 22. Management after discharge from Hospital. 23. Rehabilitation after Renal Transplantation. 24. Reproduction after Renal Transplantation. 25. Results of Renal Transplantation. Index.