Computer science, technology and applications series.
MOBILE COMPUTING RESEARCHAND APPLICATIONS; CONTENTS; PREFACE; RESEARCH AND REVIEW STUDIES; BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN ONLINE AND OFFLINEAPPLICATIONS WITH THE GOOGLE GEARS API:A CASE STUDY FOR DIABETICS; Abstract; 1. Introduction; 2. Hybrid Webified Applications; 3. Google Gears; 3.1. Wireless Google Gears on Windows Mobile 5 and 6 Devices; 4. A Google Gears Application for Diabetics; 5. Related Work; 5.1.; 5.2.; 5.3.; 5.4.; 6. Conclusion; References. RANGE SENSITIVE MULTIPLE ACCESS PROTOCOLFOR WIRELESS LOCAL AREA NETWORKWITH SMART ANTENNASAbstract; 1. Introduction; 2. Network Model; 3. Range Sensitive Multiple Access Protocol; 4. Simulation; 4.1. Simulation Model; 4.2. Simulation Results; 4.2.1. Effects of OTP_Rep; 4.2.2. Effects of OTP_Max; 4.2.3. Effects of the Polling Threshold Parameter, K of OTP; 4.2.4. Effects of the Retransmission Probability, P of DTP; 4.2.5. Effects of the Number of Slots, L in a Contention Resolution Interval (CRI); 4.2.6. Comparisons between Various Protocols; 5. Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References. DYNAMIC VERTICAL HANDOFF PROTOCOLFOR HETEROGENEOUS WIRELESSAND MOBILE NETWORKSAbstract; 1. Introduction; 2. Background and Related Work; 2.1. Mobility Management Schemes; 2.2. Media Independent Handover Services (MIH); 3. Proposed Handoff Management Protocol; 3.1. Handoff Score Function; 3.1.1. Handoff Decision Score Function; 3.1.2. Signaling Cost Function; 3.1.3. Normalized QoS Score Function; 3.2. Overview of HPIN Protocol; 3.1.3. Normalized QoS Score Function; 4. Performance Evaluation; 5. Conclusion; References; POWER EFFICIENT BROADCASTING IN WIRELESSSENSOR NETWORKS; Abstract. 1. Introduction2. Dynamic Power Management; 2.1. Dynamic Power Management with Scheduled Switching Modes (DPMSSM); 3. Multi-Coverage Backbones; 3.1. Distributed (k, r)-CDS Solution; 3.1.1. Example; 4. Broadcast Routing with Dynamic Power Management; 5. Bounded-Distance Multi-Coverage Backbones in WirelessSensor Networks; References; ADAPTIVE MOBILE APPLICATIONS; Abstract; 1. Introduction; 2. Dynamic Mobile Applications; 3. Intel Mobile Software Development Kit (SDK); 4. An Adaptable Mobile Media Player Application; 5. Conclusion; References. MOBILE DATABASE COMPUTING PERFORMANCERELATED ISSUES AND RECOMMENDATIONS WITHADOPTABLE OBJECT ORIENTED MODEL OF MOBILEDATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMAbstract; 1. Introduction; 2. Characteristics of Mobile Computing Environment; 2.1. Mobile Computing Environment; 2.2. Characteristics of Wireless Medium for Mobile Computing; 2.3. Characteristics of Mobile Units; 2.4. Issues of Mobile Database Computing; 2.5. Characteristics of Data Replication Required at MU; 2.6. Related Research Work; 3. Mobile Database Ststem; 3.1. Mobile Database Model Motivation; 3.2. Mobile Database Model Considerations.
COMPUTERS -- Hardware -- Personal Computers -- Macintosh.
COMPUTERS -- Hardware -- Personal Computers -- PCs.