Microdissection of histologic sections / C.A. Moskaluk --;Isolation of a purified epithelial cell population from human colon / J.K. Roche --;Xenografting human colon cancers / J.C. Harper, R.B. Adams and S.M. Powell --;Comparative genomic hybridization technique / W.e. El-Rifai and S. Knuutila --;Fluorescence in situ hybridization / S.D. Pack and Z. Zhuang --;Microsatellite analysis to assess chromosome 18q status in colorectal cancer / J. Jen --;The SURF technique / D. Shibata --;Microsatellite instability testing / Y.R. Parc and K.C. Halling --;Immunohistochemical analysis for hMLH1 and hMSH2 expression in colorectal cancer / K.C. Halling and P.C. Roche --;Mutation detection in colorectal cancers / J.M. Cunningham, D.J. Tester and S.N. Thibodeau --;Mutation detection inTGF-B receptors / W.M. Grady ... [et al.] --;Direct analysis for familial adenomatous polyposis mutations / S.M. Powell --;I1307K mutation detection by allele-specific PCR in familial colorectal cancer / P.S. Chan and S.L. Gersen --;Microsatellite analysis of the insulin-like growth factor II receptor in colorectal carcinomas / R.F. Souza and S.J. Meltzer --;Molecular detection of Smad2/ Smad4 alterations in colorectal tumors / S. Thiagalingam --;Direct sequencing for juvenile polyposis gene SMAD4/DPC4 mutations / L.A. Aaltonen and S. Roth --;17 direct sequencing for Peutz-Jeghers gene lkb1 (STK11) mutations / L.A. Aaltonen and E. Avizienyte --;18 direct sequencing for cowden syndrome gene PTEN (MMAC1) mutations / L.A. Aaltonen, S. Roth and C. Eng --;Genetic analysis using microarrays / W.e. El-Rifai and S. Knuutila --;Cclooxygenase-2 (COX2) protein expression by western blotting / H.M. Kandil and R.N. DuBois --;The immunohistochemical method / L.A. Cerilli and H.F. Frierson --;Immunohistochemical detection and quantitation of cell surface receptors for prostanoids / R. Cosme and J.K. Roche --;Adhesion signaling through integrins / R.B. Adams and J.D. Rovin --;Electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) / M.F. Smith and S. Delbary-Gossart --;Transfection assays for transformation of model colonic cell lines / M.T. Worthington and R.Q. Luo --;Assessment of intestinal stem cell survival using the microcolony formation assay / K.S. Tustison, J. Yu and S.M. Cohn --;Gene transfer into the colonic mucosa / B. Ç̧oruh and T.T. Pizarro.
Colon (Anatomy) -- Cancer -- Diagnosis -- Laboratory manuals.
Colon (Anatomy) -- Cancer -- Diagnosis.
Rectum -- Cancer -- Diagnosis -- Laboratory manuals.