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From databases to hypermedia / Buch.
پدید آورنده
Hermann Maurer ...
کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی
محل استقرار
ـ شهر:
تماس با کتابخانه :
From databases to hypermedia / Buch.
Hermann Maurer ...
XIII, 307 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
I. Databases and the Relational Data Model.- 1 Introduction to Databases.- 1.1 Introduction.- 1.2 Information Model.- 1.3 Database Management.- 1.4 Database Languages.- 1.5 Data Protection.- 2 Basic Relational Data Model.- 2.1 Introduction.- 2.2 Relation.- 2.3 Properties of a Relation.- 2.4 Keys of a Relation.- 2.5 Relational Schema.- 3 Data Updating Facilities.- 3.1 Introduction.- 3.2 Data Manipulation Facilities.- 3.3 User Interface.- 3.4 Integrity.- 3.5 Database Transactions.- 4 Normalisation.- 4.1 Introduction.- 4.2 First Normal Form (1NF).- 4.3 Functional Dependencies.- 4.4 Second Normal Form (2NF).- 4.5 Third Normal Form (3NF).- 5 Relational Algebra I.- 5.1 Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus.- 5.2 Overview of Relational Algebra.- 5.3 Selection.- 5.4 Projection.- 5.5 Natural Join.- 6 Relational Algebra II.- 6.1 Introduction.- 6.2 Division.- 6.3 Set Operations.- 6.4 Null values.- 6.5 Optimisation.- 7 Relational Calculus I.- 7.1 Introduction.- 7.2 Tuple Variables.- 7.3 Quantifiers.- 7.4 Well-Formed Formulae.- 8 Relational Calculus II.- 8.1 The Data Sub-Language Alpha.- 8.2 Relational Calculus with Domain Variables.- 9 Data Sub-Language SQL.- 9.1 Introduction.- 9.2 Operations.- 9.3 Further Retrieval Facilities.- 9.4 Library Functions and Arithmetic Expressions.- 9.5 Additional Facilities.- 10 Query-By-Example (QBE).- 10.1 Introduction.- 10.2 Variables and Constants.- 10.3 Example Elements.- 10.4 The Prefix ALL.- 10.5 Library Functions.- 11 Architecture of Database Systems.- 11.1 Introduction.- 11.2 Data Abstraction.- 11.3 Data Administration.- 11.4 Data Independence.- 11.5 Data Protection.- 11.6 Further Reading.- II. Object-Oriented Databases.- 12 Abstract Data Objects.- 12.1 Introduction.- 12.2 Abstract Data Objects.- 12.3 Methods.- 12.4 Messages.- 12.5 Summary.- 13 Data Classes.- 13.1 Introduction.- 13.2 Data Classes.- 13.3 Definition of Private Memory.- 13.4 Definition of Methods.- 13.5 Summary.- 14 Dynamic Binding and User Interface.- 14.1 Introduction.- 14.2 User Interface and System Data Classes.- 14.3 Dynamic Binding.- 14.4 Summary.- 15 Static Inheritance.- 15.1 Introduction.- 15.2 Static Inheritance of Properties.- 15.3 Abstract Data Classes.- 15.4 Definition of an Object-Oriented DBMS.- 15.5 Summary.- 16 Dynamic and Multiple Inheritance.- 16.1 Introduction.- 16.2 Dynamic Inheritance.- 16.3 Multiple Inheritance.- 16.4 Summary.- 17 Object Identity and Database Query.- 17.1 Introduction.- 17.2 Object Identity and Addressability.- 17.3 Query Expressions.- 17.4 Summary.- 18 Metalevel Facilities and Database Architecture.- 18.1 Introduction.- 18.2 Metavariables and Metaclasses.- 18.3 Architecture of Object-Oriented Database Systems.- 18.4 Summary and Conclusion.- 18.5 Further Reading.- III. Hypermedia.- 19 Introduction to Multimedia.- 19.1 Introduction.- 19.2 Media Object.- 19.3 Multimedia Documents.- 19.4 Multimedia Authoring.- 19.5 Multimedia Databases and Hypermedia.- 20 Basic Node-Link Paradigm.- 20.1 Introduction.- 20.2 Node-Link Model.- 20.3 Anchors.- 20.4 Browsing.- 20.5 Problems with the Node-Link Model.- 21 Internet and Hypermedia.- 21.1 Introduction.- 21.2 TCP/IP Protocol.- 21.3 HTTP Protocol.- 21.4 World-Wide Web (WWW).- 22 HyperText Mark-up Language (HTML).- 22.1 Introduction.- 22.2 Text Mark-up.- 22.3 Lists and Tables.- 22.4 Inline Objects.- 22.5 References to other Documents.- 23 Interaction over the WWW.- 23.1 Introduction.- 23.2 HTML Forms.- 23.3 JAVA Applets.- 23.4 Publishing and Searching Documents.- 23.5 E-Mails and News.- 23.6 Other Interactions.- 24 Second Generation Hypermedia I.- 24.1 Introduction.- 24.2 Metainformation.- 24.3 Collections.- 24.4 Sequences.- 24.5 Conclusion.- 25 Second Generation Hypermedia II.- 25.1 Introduction.- 25.2 HyperLinks.- 25.3 Alternative Cluster.- 25.4 MultiCluster.- 25.5 Conclusion.- 26 HM-Data Model.- 26.1 Introduction.- 26.2 Data Structures.- 26.3 Browsing.- 26.4 Data Classes.- 26.5 Illustrative Example.- 26.6 Creating and Modifying a Database.- 26.7 Conclusion.- 26.8 Further Reading.
Hermann Maurer ...
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