Amino Acids as Multifunctional Molecules / J.P.F. D'Mello --;Amino Acid Analysis of Feeds / J. Fontaine --;Absorption of Amino Acids and Peptides / C.R. Krehbiel and J.C. Matthews --;An Outline of Pathways in Amino Acid Metabolism / J.P.F. D'Mello --;Amino Acid Metabolism in Animals : an Overview / B.J. Bequette --;Essential to Non-essential Amino Acid Ratios / J. Heger --;Adverse Effects of Amino Acids / J.P.F. D'Mello --;Methionine-Cystine Relationships in Pig Nutrition / A.J. Lewis --;Ideal Dietary Amino Acid Profiles for Pigs / S. Boisen --;Digestible Amino Acids in Diet Formulation for Pigs / R. Mosenthin and M. Rademacher --;Modelling Amino Acid Metabolism and the Estimation of Amino Acid Requirements / P.J. Moughan and M.F. Fuller --;Amino Acid Utilization for Reproduction in Sows / S.W. Kim and R.A. Easter --;Ideal Amino Acid Patterns for Broiler Chicks / D.H. Baker --;Responses of Growing Poultry to Amino Acids / J.P.F. D'Mello --;Metabolism and De Novo Synthesis of Amino Acids by Rumen Microbes / C. Atasoglu and R.J. Wallace --;Modelling Amino Acid Metabolism in Ruminants / R.L. Baldwin, C.C. Calvert, P.H. Robinson and H.A. Johnson --;Amino Acid Utilization for Wool Production / S.M. Liu and D.G. Masters --;Amino Acid Utilization by Growing and Finishing Ruminants / E.C. Titgemeyer --;Mammary Uptake and Metabolism of Amino Acids by Lactating Ruminants / B.J. Bequette, M.D. Hanigan and H. Lapierre --;Effects of Amino Acids on Milk Production / D.G. Chamberlain and J.-M. Yeo --;Predicting Dietary Amino Acid Adequacy for Ruminants / D.G. Fox and L.O. Tedeschi --;Canine and Feline Amino Acid Requirements for Different Physiological Functions / W.H. Hendriks --;Amino Acid Requirements of Finfish and Crustaceans / R.P. Wilson --;Crystalline Amino Acids and Nitrogen Emission / M.W.A. Verstegen and A.W. Jongbloed --;Economic Assessment of Amino Acid Responses in Growing Poultry / M. Pack, D. Hoehler and A. Lemme --;Conclusions / J.P.F. D'Mello.
In this new edition, the editor has retained chapters imparting strength to the first version, while introducing authors with new ideas and vision, as well as chapters on other animals such as cats and dogs.