International Symposium on Fluorescein Angiography Ghent 28 March-1 April 1976
edited by J.J. Laey.
Springer Netherlands
(653 pages)
Documenta ophthalmologica., Proceedings series ;, 9.
Session I --;Instrumentation and technique --;Photography with corneal contact fundus cameras --;Clinical trials with the 'Equator-Plus' camera --;High speed fluorography --;Advances in TV-fluorangiography --;Improved interference filters for fluorescein angiography --;Fluorescein cycloscopy --;A new, TV-guided fundus camera --;Circulation parameters: comparison of both eyes by simultaneous fluorescein angiography --;Five years experience with automated processing for fluorescein angiography --;Angioscopy and colour angiography --;High speed human choroidal angiography using indocyanine green dye and a continuous light source --;Cine angiographic inflow measurements using fluorescein and indocyanine green --;Riboflavin fluorescence angiography --;Experimental angiography combined with routine black-and-white angiography made possible by utilizing a double-camera 'MADO'head --;Illumination thresholds --;Demonstration of aqueous outflow by fluorescein injection into the anterior chamber after various types of glaucoma operations --;Session II --;Retina I --;Fundamental aspects of posterior ocular circulation --;Quantitative aspects of fluorescein angiography --;Arteriovenous mean circulation time in the human retina --;The computerized elaboration of fluorangiographic data on retinal vascularization --;Television photometric technique for recording fluorescein dilution curves (dromofluorograms) --;The Patho-Physiology of Retinal Vein Occlusion --;Natural Course and Classification of Patients with branch retinal vein obstruction --;Cotton-wool spots in retinal vein thrombosis --;Prognostic significance of fluorescein angiography in central retinal vein occlusion --;Traitement des occlusions veineuses rétiniennes --;Maculopathy and visual prognosis in retinal vein occlusion --;A comparative study of treated and non-treated cases of central retinal vein occlusion --;Surgery for vascular obstructions of the retina (Posada's technique). F.A. aspects --;Session III --;Choroidal circulation --;Anatomical correlation of the normal fluoroangiography of the fundus --;The development of the choroidal vascular system --;Fluorescein angiography and angio-architecture of the choroid --;Physiological anatomy of the choroidal vasculature --;Choroidal arterial occlusive disorders --;Etude de la circulation choriocapillaire du fond d'oeil humain --;Occlusion des veines choroidiennes --;Clinical application of indo-cyanine green angiography --;Watershed zone degeneration, a clinical syndrome? --;Consideration of the cilioretinal circulation --;Session IV --;Choroid II --;Choroidal naevus and melanoma --;An angiographic and histopathologic confrontation concerning the chorio-retinal changes in front of a human malignant melanoma of the choroid --;On the significance of the bright dot-like fluorescence at different malignant intraocular tumorous growth --;Angiographic follow-up of choroidal melanoma --;Nodular choroidal masses in patients with sarcoidosis --;Optic disc and peripapillary choroid. A cinefluoroangiographic study --;A study of the optic disc fluorescence by photographic subtraction --;In vivo measurements of diffusion of fluorescein into the human optic nerve tissue --;Choroidal circulation in glaucoma --;The precursors of disci-form macular degeneration --;Differential perimetric profiles in disciform macular degeneration: stages of development --;Fluorangiographic study of chorioretinal lesions in high myopia --;Juvenile juxta-papillary hemorrhagic choroiditis --;Session V --;Pigment epithelium and choroid --;Morphology of the pigment epithelium --;Bruch's membrane --;Correlation of fluorescein angiography and histopathology --;Diseases affecting the pigment epithelium --;Acute multifocal posterior placoid pigment epitheliopathy and argon laser photocoagulation. An angiographic comparison --;Various presentations of pigment epitheliopathies and choriocapillaropathies --;Inflammations of the choroid --;Fluorescein Angiography in uveal effusion --;Angiographic fluorescéinique du fond d'oeil au cours d'une ophtalmie sympathique --;Lésions Chorioépithéliales initiales dans l'onchocercose oculaire --;Dominant Macular Dystrophies: Cystoid macular edema and butterfly dystrophy --;Sector refinitis pigmentosa with chronic disc edema --;Leakage from retinal capillaries in hereditary dystrophies --;Epithelium pigmentaire dans les hérédo-dégénérescences choriorétiniennes à prédominance choroidienne --;Fluorographic aspects of Stargardt's disease --;Le signe du silence choroïdien dans les dégénérescences tapétoré tiniennes postérieures --;Session VI --;Retina II --;Iris angiography in vascular diseases of the fundus --;Alteration in blood flow in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy --;First lesions in infantile diabetic retinopathy. Angiofluoresceinic study --;Cystoid macular oedema in diabetic retinopathy --;Evaluation of diabetic retinopathy --;A model to quantitatively predict the course of diabetic retinopathy --;Réactions vasculaires et tissulaires de l'oeil provoquées par la cryocautérisation et par la coagulation au laser. Etude expérimentale à fluorescence --;Comparative study of retinal micro-aneurysm --;Fluorescein angiographic patterns of retinal arterial aneurysms --;Retinal vascular changes in Takayasu's Disease (Pulseless Disease), occurrence and evolution of the lesion --;Retinopathy due to chronic carbon disulfide poisoning --;Fluorescein angiography studies of posterior pole preretinal fibrosis (Macular Pucker) --;Angiographic considerations about the preretinal membrane --;Session VII --;Retina III --;Fluorography of the fundus periphery with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment --;Peripheral vascular diseases --;The value of fluorescein angiography in sickle cell retinopathy --;Fluorescein angiography in retrolental fibroplasia --;Alteration of retinal hemodynamics in retrolental fibroplasia --;Equatorial degenerations with atypical vessels --;Angiomatosis retinae --;Discussion on complications --;General review.