XI, 395 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme ; 24 cm
Modeling and simulation in science, engineering and technology
Introduction S. Bouix, K. Siddiqi, A. Tannenbaum, and S.W. Zucker: Medial Axis Computation and Evolution P.T. Fletcher, S.M. Pizer, adn S.C. Joshi: Shape Variation of Medial Axis Representations via Principal Geodesic Analysis of Symmetric Spaces S.H. Balloch and H. Krim: 2D Shape Modeling Using Skeletal Graphs in a Morse Theoretic Framework S. Belongie, G. Mori, and J. Malik: Matching with Shape Contexts P. Muse, F. Sur, F. Cao, Y. Gousseau, and J.-M. Morel: Shape Recognition Based on a Contrario Methodology S. Manay, D. Cremers, B.-W. Hong, A. Yezzi, Jr., and S. Soatto: Integral Invariants and Shape Matching N. Paragios, M. Taron, X. Huang, M. Rousson, and D. Metaxas: On the Representation of Shapes Using Implicit Functions F. Memoli and G. Sapiro: Computing with Point Cloud Data J.A. Costa and A.O. Hero III: Determining Intrinsic Dimension and Entropy of High-Dimensional Shape Spaces G. Arnold, P.F. Stiller, and K. Sturtz: Object-Image Metrics for Generalized Weak Perspective Projection X. Descombes and E. Pechersky: Wulff Shapes at Zero Temperature for Some Models Used in Image Processing S. Angenent, A. Tannenbaum, A. Yezzi, Jr., and O. Zeitouni: Curve Shortening and Interacting Particle Systems S. Joshi, D. Kaziska, A. Srivastava, and W. Mio: Riemannian Structures on Shape Spaces: A Framework for Statistical Inferences J. Glaunes, A. Trouve, and L. Younes: Modeling Planar Shape Variation via Hamiltonian Flows of Curves G. Charpiat, O. Faugeras, R. Keriven, and P. Maurel: Approximations of Shape Metrics and Application to Shape Warping and Empirical Shape Statistics
The subject of pattern analysis and recognition pervades many aspects of our daily lives, including user authentication in banking, object retrieval from databases in the consumer sector, and the omnipresent surveillance and security measures around sensitive areas.