An analytical commentary on the "Philosophical investigations". 1,2, Wittgenstein:
Understanding and Meaning, Pt. 2, Exegesis Paragraphen 1-184
G.P. Baker et P.M.S. Hacker.
2., extensivly rev. ed.
Erscheinungsjahr der Druckausg.: 2005.
Acknowledgements. Introduction to Part II - the Exegesis. Abbreviations. The History of the Composition of the Philosophical Investigations. An Overview of the Structure and Argument of the Philosophical Investigations. Exegesis. The Title. The Motto. The Preface. Chapter 1 The Augustinian Concept of Language. Chapter 2 Illusions of Naming: Ostensive Definition, Logically Proper Names, Simples and Samples, and Analysis. Chapter 3 Family Resemblance, Determinacy of Sense, and the Quest for Essence. Chapter 4 Philosophy. Chapter 5 The General Propositional Form. Chapter 6 Understanding and Ability. Index.