Preliminaries --;Contents --;List of Illustrations --;List of Tables --;Foreword --;Preface --;Contributors --;Acknowledgement --;1 The Historical Evolution of Chinese Medicine and Orthodox Medicine in China --;2 Philosophical Aspects of Chinese Medicine from a Chinese Medicine Academician --;3 The Theory and Application of Functional Food in Chinese medicine --;4 Understanding the Toxicity of Chinese Herbal Medicinal Products --;5 The Practice of Chinese Medicine in TCM-KLINIC Kotzting in Germany --;6 The Practice of Chinese Medicine in the National Health Service Environment in the United Kingdom --;7 Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Using Chinese Medicine --;8 The Progress of Using Chinese Herbal Medicines in Cancer Research --;9 DNA Techniques for the Authentication of Chinese Medicinal Materials --;10 The Progress of Chinese Medicine in Australia --;11 The Progress of Chinese Medicine in Mainland China --;12 The Progress of Chinese Medicine in Some Countries in Europe --;13 The Progress of Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong SAR, China --;14 The Progress of Kampo Medicine in Japan --;15 The Progress of Chinese Medicine in Taiwan --;16 The Progress of Chinese Medicine in the United Kingdom --;17 The Progress of Chinese Medicine in the United States of America --;18 A Curriculum Model for Teaching and Training Chinese Medicine in English' --;19 An Orthodox Practitioner's View of Chinese Medicine --;20 The Way Forward for Chinese Medicine --;Index.
An introductory text aimed at practitioners of Chinese medicine and orthodox medicine, and other interested healthcare professionals, this book focuses on the conditions for which traditional Chinese medicine may be appropriate and its wider use healthcare. The book divides the subject into three sections: key issues in Chinese medicine, special aspects of clinical and scientific practice, and the progress of TCM and related practice in selected countries and regions. Special features include discussions of the use of TCM in cancer research, issues of toxicity, procedures for identification of Chinese herbal materials using DNA fingerprinting, and more.