IFIP WG10.3/WG10.5 International Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Embedded Systems (DIPES'98) October 5-6, 1998, Schlo€ Eringerfeld, Germany
edited by Franz J. Rammig.
Boston, MA
Springer US
(ix, 240 pages).
IFIP - The International Federation for Information Processing, 25.
1 Formalisms for Embedded System Design --;IP-Centric Methodology and Specification Language --;Multilanguage Design --;2 Synthesis from Synchronous/Asynchronous Specification --;From Synchronous Specifications to Asynchronous Distributed Implementations --;Using Extended Predicate/Transition-Nets for the Specification, Analysis and Synthesis of Embedded Real-Time Systems --;From MSCS to Statecharts --;Software Synthesis from Statechart Models for Real Time Systems --;3 Partitioning and Load-Balancing --;Combining Static Partitioning with Dynamic Distribution of Threads --;Distributed HIL-Simulation for the Design of Decentralised Control Structures --;Distributed HIL-Simulation of Mechatronic Systems Applied to an Agriculture Machine --;Agent-Based Load Balancing for Mobile Robot Applications --;4 Verification and Validation --;Comparing Model Checking and Term Rewriting for the Verification of an Embedded System --;Microscopic Modeling of Support System for In-Vehicle Embedded Systems --;Extended SDL-based Tools for Rapid Prototyping of Application Specific Signal Processors --;Block Diagram Based Real-Time Simulation on a Network of Alpha Processors and C40 DSPs --;5 Design Environments --;The DASE Tool: An Environment for the Development of Real-Time Applications --;Paradise: Design Environment for Parallel & Distributed, Embedded Real-Time Systems --;MCI --;Multilanguage Distributed Co-Simulation Tool --;6 Object Oriented Approaches --;Rapid Prototyping of Distributed Mechatronic Applications --;An 00 Based Methodology for Real-Time HW/SW Systems Modeling --;Modeling Distributed State as an Abstract Object --;Design Rationale of the PURE Object-Oriented Embedded Operating System.
This book is the result of the International Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Embedded Systems (DIPES'98), organized by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Groups 10.3 (Concurrent Systems) and 10.5 (Design and Engineering of Electronic Systems).