Selected Topics in Mixed-Signal Simulation --;Mixed-Signal Extensions for SystemC --;Mixed-Domain Modeling in Modelica --;VHDL-AMS and Verilog-AMS as Competitive Solutions --;VHDL-AMS in MEMS Design Flow --;A New Approach to Model Generation for Nonlinear Mixed-Signal Circuits in the Behavioral and Functional Domain --;Multi-Level Analog/Mixed-Signal IP Specification for Platform-Based Design --;A UML Profile for Real-Time System Modelling with Rate Monotonic Analysis --;Support for Embedded Systems in UML 2.0 --;Embedded System Design using UML and Platforms --;A Design Methodology for the Development of a Complex System-On-Chip Using UML and Executable System Models --;Using the SHE Method for UML-Based Performance Modeling --;SystemC Code Generation from UML Models --;Hardware Dependent Software, the Bridge Between Hardware and Software --;C/C++ Based System Design Flow using SpecC, VCC and SystemC --;Verification of Synchronization in SpecC Description with the Use of Difference Decision Diagrams --;Automatic Generation of Scheduled SystemC Models of Embedded Systems from Extended Task Graphs --;SystemC-Plus Complex Data Types for Telecom Applications --;A Method for the Development of Combined Floating- and Fixed-Point SystemC Models --;Object-Oriented High-Level Modeling of an Infiniband to PCI-X Bridge --;A SystemC Model for RTOS Kernel --;An Abstract Modeling Approach Towards System-Level Design-Space Exploration --;Modeling Techniques in Design-By-Refinement Methodologies --;Design of Highly Parallel Architectures with Alpha and Handel --;MTG* and Gray Box --;Specification and Refinement of Hardware Components in B --;Ensuring Semantic Integrity in Knowledge Bases for Embedded Systems.
The UML-based system specification and design contributions address latest results on hot-topic areas such as system profiling, performance analysis and UML application to complex, HW/SW embedded systems and SoC design.C/C++-for HW/SW systems design is entering standard industrial design flows.
System specification and design language
Computer hardware description languages -- Congresses.
Computer hardware description languages.
Integrated circuits -- Very large scale integration -- Design and construction -- Congresses.