Chapter 1 Physical Basis of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance --;chapter 2 Chemical Shifts and Nuclear Coupling: Theory and Practical Consequences --;chapter 3 Nuclear Relaxation: Theory and Measurements --;chapter 4 NMR and Molecular Dynamics: General Principles --;chapter 5 NMR Spectroscopy in Solutions: Practice and Strategies of Structural Studies --;chapter 6 NMR Relaxation in Solutions: Applications --;chapter 7 Special Issues in Solution NMR --;chapter 8 Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy: General Principles and Strategies --;chapter 9 Molecular Dynamics and Nuclear Relaxation in Solids: Applications --;chapter 10 Solid-State NMR: Special Issues.
NMR Spectroscopy in Liquids and Solids provides an introduction of the general concepts behind Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and its applications, including how to perform adequate NMR experiments and interpret data collected in liquids and solids to characterize molecule systems in terms of their structure and dynamics.