What, If Anything, Is a Species; N. Eldridge. Species Concepts; F.S. Szalay. Primates and Paradigms; J. Masters. Species, Subspecies, and Baboon Systematics; C.J. Jolly. Speciation in Living Hominoid Primates; C.P. Groves. Geographic Variation in Primates; G.H. Albrecht, J.M.A. Miller. Speciation and Morphological Differentiation in the Genus Lemur; I. Tattersall. Squirrel Monkey; (Genus Saimiri) Taxonomy; R.K. Costello, et al. Measures of Dental Variation as Indicators of Multiple Taxa in Samples of Sypatric Cercopithecus Species; D.A. Cope. Catarrhine Dental Variability and Species Recognition in the Fossil Record; J.M. Plavcan. Multivariate Craniometric Variation in Chimpanzees; B.T. Shea, et al. Species Concepts and Species Recognition in Eocene Primates; K.D. Rose, T.M. Brown. Anagenetic Angst; L. Krishtalka. Cladistic Concepts and the Species Problem in Hominoid Evolution; T. Harrison. 7 additional articles. Index.
While there is nearly universal agreement that the notion of the speczes is fundamental to our understanding of how evolution works, there is a very wide range of opinion on the conceptual content and meaning of such particular statements regarding species.