1 Definition of diabetic renal disease in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus based on renal function tests --;2 Albuminuria and renal disease in NIDDM-patients --;3 Familial factors in diabetic nephropathy --;4 Hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, and diabetic nephropathy: role of insulin resistance --;5 Diabetes, hypertension, and kidney disease in the Pima Indians compared with other populations --;6 Economic evaluations of strategies for preventing renal disease in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus --;7 Incidence of nephropathy in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus as related to mortality and cost-benefit of early intervention --;8 Measurement of albumin and other urinary proteins in low concentration in diabetes mellitus: techniques and clinical significance --;9 Office tests for microalbuminuria --;10 Risk factor for progression of microalbuminuria in relatively young NIDDM-patients --;11 The clinical course of renal disease in Caucasian NIDDM-patients --;12 Von Willebrand factor and the development of renal and vascular complications in diabetes --;13 Smoking and diabetic nephropathy --;14 Light microscopy of diabetic glomerulopathy: the classic lesion --;15 Haematuria and diabetic nephropathy --;16 Glomerular ultrastructural changes in microalbuminuric IDDM-patients --;17 Understanding of diabetic nephropathy from kidney and pancreas transplantation --;18 Sodium-hydrogen antiport, cell function and susceptibility to diabetic nephropathy --;19 Biochemical aspects of diabetic nephropathy --;20 The Steno hypothesis and glomerular basement membrane biochemistry in diabetic nephropathy --;21 Volume homeostasis and blood pressure in diabetic states --;22 Pathogenesis of diabetic glomerulopathy: the role of glomerular hemodynamic factors --;23 Roles of growth factors in diabetic kidney disease --;24 Blood pressure elevation in diabetes: results from 24-h ambulatory blood pressure recordings in diabetes --;25 Insulin and blood pressure --;26 Cation transport, hypertension and diabetic nephropathy --;27 Microalbuminuria in young patients with type 1 diabetes --;28 Early renal hyperfunction and hypertrophy in IDDM patients including comments on early intervention --;29 The concept of incipient diabetic nephropathy and effect of early antihypertensive intervention --;30 Comparative study of the effect of Ace-inhibitors and other antihypertensive agents on proteinuria in diabetic patients --;31 Clinical trials in overt diabetic nephropathy --;32 Antihypertensive treatment in NIDDM, with special reference to abnormal albuminuria --;33 The course of incipient and overt diabetic nephropathy: the perspective of more optimal insulin treatment --;34 Meta-analysis of the effect of intensive therapy on nephropathy in type I diabetes mellitus --;35 Non-glycaemic intervention in diabetic nephropathy: the role of dietary protein intake --;36 Microalbuminuria and diabetic pregnancy --;37 Diabetic nephropathy and pregnancy --;38 Urinary tract infection and diabetes: diagnosis and treatment --;39 Acute renal failure in diabetics --;40 Contrast media-induced nephropathy in diabetic renal disease --;41 Renal papillary necrosis in diabetic patients --;42 Problems related to the start of renal replacement therapy in diabetic patients --;43 Evolution worldwide of the treatment of patients with advanced diabetic nephropathy by renal replacement therapy --;44 Haemodialysis in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients with end stage renal failure --;45 Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis in uremic diabetics --;46 Simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation: indication and results --;47 Renal transplantation for diabetic nephropathy --;St Vincent Declaration, 1994: Guidelines for the prevention of diabetic renal failure.
Diabetic nephropathy is a worldwide problem, but it is more clearly defined in Europe and North America where facilities for the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes and its complications are readily available.