1 Embryology and Congenital Malformations of the Female Genital Tract 1 --;2 The Vulva 13 --;3 Diseases of the Vagina 59 --;4 Vaginal and Cervical Abnormalities Related to Prenatal Exposure to Diethylstilbestrol (DES) 87 --;5 Anatomy and Histology of the Cervix 102 --;6 Benign Lesions of the Cervix 124 --;7 Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia 143 --;8 Diagnostic Procedures for Lesions of the Cervix 166 --;9 Carcinoma and Other Malignant Tumors of the Cervix 171 --;10 Hormones of the Menstrual Cycle 206 --;11 Normal Endometrium 211 --;12 Clinical Considerations of Gynecologic Pathology 243 --;13 Benign Diseases of the Endometrium 249 --;14 Endometrial Hyperplasia 265 --;15 Carcinoma of the Endometrium 278 --;16 Benign Lesions of the Myometrium 299 --;17 Uterine Sarcomas 322 --;18 Pathology of the Fallopian Tube 341 --;19 Anatomy and Histology of the Human Ovary 365 --;20 Inflammatory Diseases of the Ovary 387 --;21 Nonneoplastic Cysts of the Ovary 393 --;22 Pelvic Endometriosis 404 --;23 Disorders of Female Sex Differentiation 420 --;24 Primary Epithelial Tumors of the Ovary 453 --;25 Sex Cord-Stromal Tumors 505 --;26 Germ Cell Tumors of the Ovary 527 --;27 Ovarian Neoplasms of Childhood and Adolescence 586 --;28 Metastatic Carcinoma in the Ovary 627 --;29 Fertilization, Implantation, and Placentation 638 --;30 Abnormalities and Diseases of the Placenta, Membranes, and Umbilical Cord 646 --;31 The Vascular Supply of the Placenta in Normal and Abnormal Pregnancy 673 --;32 Abortion 691 --;33 Gestational Trophoblast Disease 698 --;34 Amniotic Fluid: Biochemical Assays Relating to Fetal Viability 710 --;35 Pathologic Factors Involved in Infertility 734 --;36 Cytology of the Female Genital Tract 744 --;37 Gross Description and Processing of Obstetric and Gynecologic Tissue 772 --;38 Animal Models for Tumors of the Ovary and Uterus 797 --;39 Spontaneous Tumors of the Uterus and Ovaries in Animals 822 --;List of Contributors.
This text is written for the obstetrician, gynecologist, pathologist, and for residents training in these disciplines. It is a multi-authored book and the editor is aware of the problems this can create, but the expansion of information in the field of gynecologic pathology renders single au℗Ư thorship obsolete. The format is largely traditional but the contents in℗Ư clude topics that have not appeared in past texts. Clear cell adenocarcinoma of the vagina and vaginal and cervical adenoses are discussed in detail in a separate chapter. A chapter on embryology and congenital anomalies is writ℗Ư ten by an embryologist and the advantage of its inclusion is self evident. Ovarian neoplasms in childhood and ado℗Ư lescence are fortunately rare occurrences, but information concerning them is generally not readily available in exist℗Ư ing texts. It is of sufficient importance to deserve a separate chapter. Amniotic fluid analysis for fetal viability is now commonly used and for this reason a detailed discussion of this subject is presented. A chapter is included on gross description and prepara℗Ư tion of gynecologic specimens. It contains the input and review of several directors of gynecologic-pathology labo℗Ư ratories.