Chapman & Hall/CRC monographs on statistics & applied probability
Previously issued in print. London: Chapman & Hall, 2011.
Introduction: Stories and Data Scope and Limits Two-Treatment Trials with a Binary Response Equal Randomisation Adaptive Allocation Urn Model Some Motivating Clinical Trials Adaptive Design: Controversies and Progress Why Adaptive? How Adaptive? Criticism What Next? Randomised Balanced Sequential Treatment Allocation Introduction Balance with Two TreatmentsDesigns with Three or More Treatments Designs with Covariates The Distribution of Loss and of Bias Heteroscedastic Models More about Biased-Coin Designs Further Reading Response-Adaptive Designs for Binary Responses Introduction Urn Designs Play-the-Winner RuleRandomised Play-the-Winner RuleGeneralised Polya UrnSuccess Driven Design (SDD) Failure-Driven Design (FDD) Birth and Death Urn (BDU) Birth and Death Urn with ImmigrationDrop-the-Loser Rule Odds Ratio-Based Adaptive Designs Delayed Response in the RPW Rule Prognostic Factors in Urn Designs Targeting an Allocation ProportionAdaptive Designs for Categorical Responses Comparisons and Recommendations Response-Adaptive Designs for Continuous Responses Motivation Some Trials with Continuous Responses Doubly Adaptive Biased-Coin Designs (DBCD) Nonparametric DesignsAdaptive Designs for Survival Data Link Function-Based Adaptive Design (BB)Multi-Treatment Multivariate Design DL Rule for Continuous Responses (CDL)Response-Adaptive Designs for Longitudinal Responses Repeated Responses Binary Longitudinal Responses (SLPW)Design and Analysis for the PEMF DataLongitudinal Categorical Responses Longitudinal Multivariate Ordinal Responses Models with CovariatesContinuous Longitudinal Responses Random Number of Responses Numerical IllustrationsOptimum Biased-Coin Designs with Covariates Modelling and DesignBiased-Coin DA-Optimum DesignsNumerical Comparisons for Two TreatmentsDesigns for Three Treatments Distribution of LossSkewed AllocationsSkewed Allocation - Numerical Heteroscedastic Normal Models Allocation Rules for Heteroscedastic Models Generalized Linear Models Binary Data Allocation Rules for Binomial Models Gamma DataLoss, Power, Variability Further Reading: Skewed Designs Optimum Response-Adaptive Designs with Covariates Introduction Link-Function-Based Adaptive DesignAdaptive Designs Maximising UtilityPower Comparisons for Four Rules Redesigning a Trial: Fluoxetine Hydrochloride Extensions Further Reading Optimal Response-Adaptive Designs with Constraints Optimal Designs Subject to ConstraintsDesign of Jennison and Turnbull RSIHR Design Maximising Power: Neyman Allocation Other Designs BM Design ZR DesignA General Framework: BBZ Design Two Normal Populations with Unknown Variances Two-Sample Nonparametric Design BM Design for More Than Two Treatments Optimal Designs with More than One Constraint Designs for Survival Times Covariates Implementation Adaptive Constraints Back to Chapter 7 Adaptive Design: Further Important Issues Bayesian Adaptive Designs Two-Stage Adaptive Design Group Sequential Adaptive Design Optimal Design for Binary Longitudinal Responses Inverse Sampling Robustness in Adaptive Designs Missing Data in Response-Adaptive Designs Asymptotic Results for CARA DesignsHow to Bridge Theory and Practice Appendix: Optimum DesignBibliography Index