International series in operations research & management science, 17.
Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1999.;Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition.;Sixth printing.
Volume I. Introduction / Sridhar R. Tayur, Ram Ganeshan and Michael Magazine --;Optimal policies and simulation based optimization for capacitated production inventory systems / Roman Kapuscinski and Sridhar R. Tayur --;Service levels and tail probabilities in multistage capacitated production-inventory systems / Paul Glasserman --;On (R, NQ) policies serial inventory systems / Fangruo Chen --;Competitive supply chain inventory management / Gerard P. Cachon --;Vehicle routing and the supply chain / Shoshana Anily and Julien Bramel --;Supply contracts with quantity commitments and stochastic demand / Ravi Anupindi and Yehuda Bassok --;Supply chain contracting and coordination with stochastic demand / Martin A. Lariviere --;Designing supply contracts: contract type and information asymmetry / Charles J. Corbett and Christopher S. Tang --;Modeling supply chain contracts: a review / Andy A. Tsay, Steven Nahmias, and Narendra Agrawal --;Modeling the impact of information on inventories / Ananth V. Iyer --;Modeling impacts of electronic data interchange technology / Sunder Kekre, Tridas Mukhopadhyay and Kannan Srinivasan --;Business cycles and productivity in capital equipment supply chains / Edward G. Anderson, Jr. and Charles H. Fine --;The bullwhip effect: managerial insights on the impact of forecasting and information on variability in a supply chain / Frank Chen, Zvi Drezner, Jennifer K. Ryan and David Simchi-Levi. Volume II. Value of information sharing and comparison with delayed differentiation / Srinagesh Gavirneni and Sridhar Tayur --;Managing product variety: an operations perspective / Amit Garg and Hau L. Lee --;Retail inventories and consumer choice / Siddharth Mahajan and Garrett J. van Ryzin --;The benefits of design for postponement / Yossi Aviv and Awi Federgruen --;Stochastic programming models for managing product variety / Jayashankar M. Swaminathan and Sridhar R. Tayur --;Global sourcing strategies under exchange rate uncertainty / Panos Kouvelis --;Global supply chain management: a survey of research and applications / Morris A. Cohen and Arnd Huchzermeir --;Managing supply chains in emerging markets / Alan Scheller-Wolf and Sridhar R. Tayur --;Bottom-up vs. top-down approaches to supply chain modeling / Jeremy F. Shapiro --;Inventory planning in large assembly supply chains / Gerald E. Feigin --;Managing inventory for fashion products / Ananth Raman --;Inventory control for joint manufacturing and remanufacturing / E.A. van der Laan, M. Fleischman, R. Dekker and L.N. Van Wassenhove --;A taxonomic review of supply chain management research / Ram Ganeshan, Eric Jack, Michael J. Magazine and Paul Stephens.
The chapters in this category focus on introducing basic concepts, providing mathematical background and validating algorithmic tools to solve operational problems in supply chains. The chapters in this category explicitly model the effect of information on decision-making and on supply chain performance.
Business logistics -- Data processing.
Business logistics -- Mathematical models.
Inventory control -- Data processing.
edited by Sridhar Tayur, Ram Ganeshan and Michael Magazine.