Current Topics in Pathology, Continuation of Ergebnisse der Pathologie, 63.
Early Gastric Cancer --;Pathology of Coeliac Disease --;Histologic Classification of Gastric Polyps --;Polyps and Cancer of the Large Bowel --;Mucin Histochemistry of the Colon --;The Precarcinomatous Phase of Ulcerative Colitis --;The Endocrine Cells of the Gastro-Intestinal Tract and the Neoplasms which Arise from Them --;Immunological Aspects of Gastro-Intestinal Pathology --;Oncofetal and Other Tumor-Associated Antigens of the Human Digestive System.
Second, whether or not such antigens are truly oncofetal depends upon the method of detection used, and it has been found that here too specificity decreases as the antigen assay increases in sen- sitivity.